View Full Version : Network marketing/ thoughts and views from the team here

01-01-2012, 07:26 PM
Hey guys,

As many of you know, I own a restaurant and have had it since 5 years now. I am a chef.

Around 1.5 years ago, somebody exposed me to a product, a line of products: health and wellness.
she exposed me to a compensation plan that surpasses anything that is real. People making 6 figure incomes within 2-3 years, people making 300K annually......its incredible.

So after I reviewed the company for 6 months, studied their plan....I decided to join.
Shortly after, i also went into personal training full time. I now run a very lucrative personal training business...and built it within 6 months. So great.

Now the company that carries the supplements, proteins, vitamins.....creams. I have been doing that for 11 months now.
I am creating 600.00 per month passive income. NOT moving a single finger.

I built two teams: One on my right, and one on my left....the teams built their own teams.....and it duplicates.

So now that i am seeing the results. I am more driven to work the business harder.
I did get into the personal training field specifically to recruit MORE PEOPLE into my teams.

My goal is to be earning in the range of 35k annually by mid to late summer. I am now going full force recruiting people in 2012.

What are your experiences in this industry? Remember the old AMWAY bullshit back in the 90s?? bad business people left a bad taste in peoples mouth for network marketing, but things have changed.