View Full Version : Facebook And Divorce

01-10-2012, 10:29 PM
http://images.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_600/659_facebook-and-divorce-1056431-flash.jpg (http://www.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_600/659_facebook-and-divorce.html)
Almost one in two marriages ends in divorce,and you might be surprised that Facebook flirting is one of the main causes for it.That’s right -- the social network is being used more and more as reason for asplit. UK website Divorce-Online ran through 5,000 petitions for divorce and found thatFacebook was part of one-third of the reasons. Among the chief concerns wasinappropriate messaging to the opposite sex, broken-up partners posting nasty things oneach other's walls and mutual Facebook friends exposing a partner’s creeping.Facebook accounted for only 20% of divorces when Divorce-Online ran the same survey backin 2009. If you thought reports of cheating that started onsocial networks were an old wives' tale, you better think again. It reminds cheaters touse a little discretion -- or at least to go play in adultery playgrounds like theintimate-encounters section of Plenty of Fish or sites like AshleyMadison.com. Have you ever coordinated a hookup through Facebook? Let us know inthe comments.More on AskMen:How To Pick Up A Girl While She's At Work The 7 Things Highly Productive People DoRELATEDVIDEO: How To Date A Friend Of Your Ex Continue Reading (http://www.askmen.com/dating/curtsmith_600/659_facebook-and-divorce.html)

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01-10-2012, 11:14 PM
Well I can't say I didn't see that one coming.
I don't have a Facebook page for a variety of reasons (really because no one will friend me..lol).
Social media and the web make it easier to connect to people with similar interests (like this site), but it also brings out the worst in us, after all, you can be whom ever you wish and create an entire lie about your life like most on FB do.
I have major concerns about 3rd parties having your info, pics, etc. NOTHING ON FACEBOOK IS EVER DELETED, that is a fact that people don't get. It may get deleted from your page and others seeing it, but it remains burned and kept in a server database.
LE uses it, and it is only a matter of time till a few years from now those racy pics privately posted when you were in college, the friends you grew up with (the ones that do illegal things, like you), the people you dated, the thoughts you had at vulnerable times, will all be for sale to the people who wish to know about you or possibly use it against you or even control you through your weaknesses.
Even as a way to extort or blackmail you.
Think about it. Even future politicians are at risk.
So in a nutshell and back to the topic of the original post, horny people do stupid things because its socially acceptable (socially media acceptable)

01-12-2012, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I can see Facebook flirting being a concern. I certainly wouldn't like it if my wife was flirting on facebook and I found out about it

01-13-2012, 08:36 AM
facebook can cause a lot of problems for sure

01-13-2012, 04:00 PM
This is exactly why I just say NO! Dont need people (women) trying to contact me who all the sudden think I'm good looking or whatever the case. Never mind the ones ive already been with,screw that to much temptation. My wife has been good to me so why add this BS to the mix. If I was single I would love FaceBook lucky bastards but I'm not and want to keep it this way.