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01-21-2012, 05:51 PM
http://images.askmen.com/entertainment/austin_3800/3854_pet-peeves-1056937-flash.jpg (http://www.askmen.com/entertainment/austin_3800/3854_pet-peeves.html)
Most of us stay pretty calm through the ups and downs of our everyday lives. We put up with honked horns, mixed-up restaurant orders, telemarketers, smelly dudes on the bus, and countless other tiny annoyances. Usually we don’t complain about these little things. Every once in a while, though, something happens that makes us explode. In an instant we transform from an average pedestrian into a raging Hulk. So, what puts you over the edge? Was it the guy who cut you off in traffic? Did your girlfriend eat the last of the cereal? Did your roommate use your razor? Did all the ketchup come out at once? Or did you lose a point, like Marcos Baghdatis? Send us a message at editorial@askmen.com to let us know what gets your blood boiling and why it riles you up so much. We’ll publish the best comments in an upcoming article. Continue Reading (http://www.askmen.com/entertainment/austin_3800/3854_pet-peeves.html)

http://www.askmen.com/entertainment/austin_3800/3854_pet-peeves.html ( More...

01-22-2012, 07:28 AM
my biggest ones are no gym etiquette and people who cant drive

01-22-2012, 08:21 AM
i agree guns.........

another one of mine which happened yesterday people standing and talking in the door way of a resturant..they were so close to the door i couldnt open it all the way and was a group of old ladies. that or when people park there buggie right in the middle of the asile of a supermarket......

01-22-2012, 08:24 AM
Texting is mine! I was at a family party yesterday and 3 of my nieces at the same time, were all texting people. I don't even have texting and I don't want it.

01-22-2012, 08:58 AM
i agree guns.........

another one of mine which happened yesterday people standing and talking in the door way of a resturant..they were so close to the door i couldnt open it all the way and was a group of old ladies. that or when people park there buggie right in the middle of the asile of a supermarket......

oh man abpt you hit another one that drives me bonkers with the shopping cart. people in the grocery store and walmart. hanging out in the middle of the aisle or side by side bsing with someone. come on people show some respect to all the other customers. if i am on a time line to eat or something i will say something if not i will just stand there and stare. my wife flips out on people 10x more than i do. yet another reason society is going down the crapper, no one has respect for their fellow man

01-22-2012, 09:22 PM
oh man abpt you hit another one that drives me bonkers with the shopping cart. people in the grocery store and walmart. hanging out in the middle of the aisle or side by side bsing with someone. come on people show some respect to all the other customers. if i am on a time line to eat or something i will say something if not i will just stand there and stare. my wife flips out on people 10x more than i do. yet another reason society is going down the crapper, no one has respect for their fellow man

I'm with you on this one! Man I can't stand people with their baskets all over the place in the grocery store. If you want a good idea of how lazy our out of shape society is, just take a look at the parking lot of any grocery store. There are basket returns on almost every row yet there are always baskets loose EVERYWHERE. Lazy ass people in our society can't walk 10 yards to put their damn basket up. Then their lazy asses get in the car and drive across the parking lot to McDonalds for dinner for the whole family. So sad.

That was my rant for the day lol.

01-23-2012, 06:36 AM
I'm with you on this one! Man I can't stand people with their baskets all over the place in the grocery store. If you want a good idea of how lazy our out of shape society is, just take a look at the parking lot of any grocery store. There are basket returns on almost every row yet there are always baskets loose EVERYWHERE. Lazy ass people in our society can't walk 10 yards to put their damn basket up. Then their lazy asses get in the car and drive across the parking lot to McDonalds for dinner for the whole family. So sad.

That was my rant for the day lol.

another great one yohimbe