View Full Version : Obama bundlers include advisers on Solyndra, Corzine, Eva Longoria

02-01-2012, 08:10 AM
President Obama's list of top fundraisers for his reelection campaign include 61 people who raised at least a half-million dollars each and more than 440 people altogether who secured $75 million to help the president in his second term fight
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02-01-2012, 05:28 PM
yea there is no special intrest there.......

i like the solar company who went belly up...nice little loan or grant they got.....

02-01-2012, 07:00 PM
corruption at its finest. when are we as a society going to wake the fuck up and stop allowing all of this bs. voting for the same idiots doing the same thing year after year. i honestly dont think anyone cares where all their hard earned dollars are going or what these jerkoffs are doing to stay in office

02-01-2012, 07:30 PM
the biggest problem guns is money.. if you had the money to run then you could. the avg working man doesnt have those type of funs or connections...

fuzo is the only one with that type of stratch around here...

02-02-2012, 06:30 AM
the biggest problem guns is money.. if you had the money to run then you could. the avg working man doesnt have those type of funs or connections...

fuzo is the only one with that type of stratch around here...

that is the sad part about our govenment apbt. if i had my way i would cut their pay by 3/4s and require them to work their normal jobs when not in session. just like our country was founded. i believe this would bring the people back to the people and be in our best intrest that 90% of our elected officials time wasnt spent on getting re elected and scandals