View Full Version : My client and I are hooking up---WOW

02-11-2012, 06:04 AM
Hey guys,

As some of you may know I am a personal trainer full time. Made the leap around 9 months ago.
Building the business from scratch cost me my relationship, since I was spending a lot of my time at the gym, networking, and working towards building the perfect clientelle level. Which I did within 3 months.---but down 6 months later my own life crashed down.

My true love and I are not together since 2.5 months now, that's life, and it sucks!

Anyhow, I recently signed a new client on an 8 month package. She is this tiny little thing: 5'0 105lbs French speaking....WOW!! Her goal is to get in the best shape of her life and change her life habits....

She is 5'0" 105 and I am 205 5'10- the possibilities are endless hahahhahahahahhah

Last night she and I headed out for a bite to eat after our session (yes this was my one cheat meal of the week hahahahahha), and we spent 5 hours chatting and had a couple of beers.

We got to the place at 7PM and left at midnight....I just wanted to kiss her face all over...one thing led to another and we started talking about how attractive she was and I was.....bang!
There was silence for a few minutes....she confessed how crazy she was since she met me...she just loves muscles. She dated a couple of meat heads in the past and they were pricks to her! I confessed that I could not get her out of my head, but that had been struggling because she is my client.

We text all the time.....we are meeting again at the gym for hot yoga tomorrow morning.

We talked about how I was her trainer, and that if we were going to connect that we needed to be smart. I offered that her file be moved to another trainer---she refused immediately.

I hate to think that I am jumping onto another relationship so fast...but fuck I spent Decemeber alone, and I have spent too much time thinking and watching the fucking walls.

Plus Valentines is coming up...and my stomach is a mess because I have never in my life been alone for it...yeah its a big deal for me.

Anyhow, that's a little catch on my client and I.


02-11-2012, 07:12 AM
Life is short brother... Don't let a fling ruin your job or your chance at getting back with your true love.. But otherwise enjoy being happy again and ride it out :) (or have her
ride it out lol lol )

02-11-2012, 07:24 AM
Thank you!

We both stablished that a fling was not what we wanted.
And yes there has to be some ironing out as far as what the relationship will be like. She is a smart little chick...and has a good head on her shoulders. We both know that we have to be on our game.

For sure I don't believe it is the first time that a client connects with their trainer, and it does work...of course there is that chance that it will be a bad move...but in life, if chances arent taken, then nothing is gained.

my true love? I just feel I need to move on. Fuck life is too good to be living it sad and mourning a past relationship, no matter how amazing it was....it ended for many good and bad reasons. I take full blame for the end of it. And there is nothing I can do to fix it now. Time does what it does, and perhaps down the line, we can restablish a friendly connection. if not, I know that there is a lot I am taking from that past...all the good stuff of course.

And as far as riding it? heheheheheh yeah I see some of that in the near future...fuck damn she is 5'0 got Gods sakes!!


02-11-2012, 08:45 AM
enjoy the moment... whats the big deal if you date and you are her trainer? i dont see a problem with it. the ex decided to move on so i would also move on. you dont know how this one will be until you try if it doesnt work out atleast you had some good times with her and your not alone...

02-11-2012, 08:56 AM
Hey B2J, I dont know how old you are, but to me life is what you make it. It can be miserable
Or it can be happy, you ultimately make that decision by the life choices you make. If it was meant to be with yourex, then it will eventually happen, if you decide that that's what you want. In the interim, surround yourself with people that make you happy, do the things that make you happy, that bring a smile to your face. I can only imagine how difficult it must be if she was truly the love of your life. I met my soulmate very young in life, and couldn't imagine life without her!! Again back to life choices, if your business has matured to the point where you can sustain a healthy relationship and she is "the one", then fight for her love. I know I probably left you more confused, not my intention. It's just that ultimately few people realize That we have the ability within us, to make ourselves happy!

Wishing you the best my friend!

02-11-2012, 09:05 AM
Don't even think about getting back with your true love, its been 2.5 months, she probably already slept with someone else, and if you haven't yet hows that make you feel. I would find that out first. People say "If you love them it doesn't matter" YES it does matter, like I said if you have plans on getting back with your ex true love then you need to find some stuff out first, if not get on with your life and get with this girl. Being alone does suck, if thats your chance to get with her then go for it. If shes a good woman, you said she has a good head on her shoulders, then I don't see anything wrong with it.

02-11-2012, 09:39 AM
so born2juice, I'm unclear...have you banged this chic yet??? If not.. I'd say take it slow...get to know her, you have plenty of time for sex. Sex will bring alot of emotions into the situation before you really get to know someone. I know..I sound like and old fucker but if you really want a relstionship to last, set the lust aside and become best friends, and when the sex does happen it will make it even better...

02-13-2012, 12:46 AM
A wise man once said, "never mix business with pleasure".

I've learned that lesson 2-3x in my life and NEVER again will I break that rule. When I did, it's usually ended up with me losing a great job. (its a given that the woman was lost) It always leads to drama man, you should steer clear of that rule, for sure! But it's your life.

02-13-2012, 04:50 AM
A lot of very valuable advise has been given to me here, and it is all appreciated.

I am in hell without my my true love. And I know that she has been sick and very depressed also...we have mutual friends and some share more than I need to know at times. But perhaps this is a process she and i need to go through in order to reunite and be together once again.
To me it is not so much that she may have slept with others. I know her well enough, and I do know that she has not done that. Lynn is very mature and very truthful. I would never judge her either as I am not perfect myself---

As far as my client. Yes I KNOW about mixing work and pleasure together can be the perfect combination to disaster.
But I also know that this is probably not the first time that it happens--when client trainer hook up. And it may work for some...as usual the law of the average, as with any relationship really.

Last night I spoke to my client about backing things down: I wanted to see where her head was at. She refused to back things down and insisted that we should get out there and hang out....get to know about each other more. We talked for 45 minutes. We have not "done it" yet. We have only gone out once, and did hot yoga class Sunday morning.
I don't believe in sleeping with a chick for the first 3-4 weeks until I feel she is worth a keeping....I have done too many mistakes in the past and have learned my lesson hahahahha

I do have one chick that is my weekend get-a-way kinda deal. No strings, no commitment and she understand that. Of course I know I need to cut that one lose once my client and I get serious.

Thank you each and every one of you for your posts. I take all with every sense of help.


02-14-2012, 10:00 AM

me being very young u might not get anything from this, but at 18 i thought i met my soulmate, we dated for over a year, and then we had a very very very bad breakup and no that is not an exaggeration, after that same thing that happened to you happened to me met this girl she like working out wanted me to help her with working out, so i did and then she stopped working out eventually she got so controlling i cut her loose and now it is 8 months later. and yes i am back with the girl i think is my soulmate she and i have changed in many different ways in the almost year that we were not together and now we have better time together, and we are stonger then ever. just a little insight not telling you which way to go but u will figure it out bro, life takes it course and brings u paths u never thought it would, but remember EVERYTHING happens for a reason good luck with whatever happens

02-14-2012, 01:00 PM
i say go with your gut on the personal and business side man. whatever your gut instinct tells you 99% of the time will work in your favor. i have gotten involved with a few clients in my day. not in a relationship way but physically and all but one ended good. not in it to fall in love or at least that was my way of thinking and i absolutely never made the first move.

02-14-2012, 09:55 PM

me being very young u might not get anything from this, but at 18 i thought i met my soulmate, we dated for over a year, and then we had a very very very bad breakup and no that is not an exaggeration, after that same thing that happened to you happened to me met this girl she like working out wanted me to help her with working out, so i did and then she stopped working out eventually she got so controlling i cut her loose and now it is 8 months later. and yes i am back with the girl i think is my soulmate she and i have changed in many different ways in the almost year that we were not together and now we have better time together, and we are stonger then ever. just a little insight not telling you which way to go but u will figure it out bro, life takes it course and brings u paths u never thought it would, but remember EVERYTHING happens for a reason good luck with whatever happens

For some reason this post is the best. I really like it.

And yes I KNOW that things happen for a reason.

I spoke to my ex 2 days ago....she is a mess.
There are things I had no control over last year that she is holding onto because she is so so hurt...that I put so many financial things before her. It's the way I roll bros. Safety in the bank will pay the mortgage and my huge over head...not going to Cuba or going to Florida....those trips can wait a second later.

I tell you that my ex gave me real strong signals that things may progress if I am smart with my attitude and way of handling her.

So in the mean time, i called off the dogs with my client----I told her that I really could not mix business with pleasure....she is pissed, but she really sees the full picture too and will be on board with me. I met with her tonight, we had dinner. NOT A DATE!!! hahahah

Guns bro you stuf muffin you!! I agree with you too bro. Gotta take the good with the bad and made the best out of it. I agree!


02-19-2012, 03:09 AM
yeah, guns is a stuff-muffin alright!


02-19-2012, 08:48 AM
You can't mix business and pleasure? I am not judging you but you guys went out for dinner not a date? Thats a date, just because you didn't kiss or have sex doesn't mean it isn't a date. If she was still pissed she has something there for you, even if she is not trying to get with you.

02-22-2012, 08:35 AM
Don't over think it, just let things take there own course.

02-22-2012, 12:12 PM
Better be careful with what you wish for so you should leave yourself an out in case things go wrong. Sorry for sounding harsh but so soon after you broke up with your true love, falling head over heels with one of your new clients does bring some serious risks so keep your wits about you and keep the relationship strictly platonic for now. If this does work out, then all the best to you!

02-22-2012, 08:55 PM
Hey guys some solid ass advise here for sure!! F.S.T.I. you hit me on the head.

Just a quick update:

She and I had been chatting over the phone the last 7 days before Sunday....she is going through a heavy depression, very sick in her voice.....we emailed a few times, she is hurting a lot.
But you know what guys? My life is a fucking mess!! I can't sleep. I have been taking sleeping pills for 3 fucking months now. My nose is bleeding from it. WTF
Sure I have chicks left and righ...but I am not interested in hanging out. To be honest I just want to be alone!!

So Sunday she and I talked, we were planning on meeting for a drink sometime this week.
I took that over Monday: Monday I woke up and I had it!!!

I called my cell company and had them change my number
I have server space for my own website, and email address---I fucking changed the email address...and blocked my webiste.
I deactivated facebook
and to top it off, I cancelled her membershipt at the gym, that "I" was still paying out of my own bacnk account.

So by now she is going to be a mess, I know it. But I am done trying to fix things, and blaming everytihng on me. FUCK IT!!!

I have a show in 13 weeks, I know she will be there to watch...she can say hello then, when I take the over all title.

Other than that, at the moment nobody can reach me, until I start to give out my info.

Did that make me feel better? I am not waiting by the phone, or by the email for her to send me something...this is fucking crazy!!

I have a business that is paying me 70k annually....and I own a small restaurant as well. There is no way I am going down for her.

If she wants to try to work things out, she will know where to find me. And if she does come look for me or contact me at work, then I will be ready to go all out and work things out.

As far as the client...she still texts me friendly stuff....but I keep my distance. The door is closed and is strictly business.


02-22-2012, 09:28 PM
So there you go, and your post proved that this was surely a dangerous gambit you took in getting involved with your client in the first place. Surely it is a lesson learned on your part so hope next time you won't get so deep into it with future clients as your business and your reputation is something you don't want to risk...ever.