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View Full Version : The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Jeremy Lin-Inspired Sayings

02-13-2012, 10:22 PM
http://images.askmen.com/sports/fanatic_400/406_jeremy-lin-sayings-1057819-flash.jpg (http://www.askmen.com/sports/fanatic_400/406_jeremy-lin-sayings.html)
Point guard Jeremy Lin has taken the basketball world by storm. “Linsanity” is in full effect after his 38-point outburst against Kobe (http://www.askmen.com/celebs/men/sports/33_kobe_bryant.html)'s Lakers. With Carmelo Anthony (http://www.askmen.com/celebs/men/sports_60/61_carmelo_anthony.html), Amare Stoudemire (http://www.askmen.com/galleries/amare-stoudemire/picture-1.html) and Baron Davis out of the game, this undrafted Harvard grad is the sole force behind the Knicks' recent wins. He's sparked not only TV ratings but a slew of pun-filled phrases. Here's our top 10 Jeremy Lin-inspired sayings. 10. Lin It To Win It! A little corny, but we'll take it if game-winning shots start showing up in his repertoire. Lin shot 8 for 24 on Sunday against the Minnesota Timberwolves but iced the game with a late free throw. More wins also increases the likelihood of people saying the Knicks are on a "linning" streak. 9. The Lin Crowd Sell-outs at Madison Square Garden for basketball? You bet. Forbes.com reported that Lin's play could restore relations between the MSG network and Time Warner Cable, which would bring New York Knicks basketball back to around 2.1 million cable subscribers. 8. Linsider Could work as an alternative to D-Fence or make for a clever in-arena cocktail. Speaking of which, this Brooklyn restaurant (http://www.taldebrooklyn.com/) will offer a free drink to anyone wearing a Jeremy Lin jersey through the end of the NBA season. 7. Lint Condition This could work as a smooth play reference or link to the fact that he used to sleep on his brother's couch (lint to mint?). A product of Palo Alto, Lin breaks down basketball stereotypes, which could be why he was overlooked in the first place. 6. Ooh, Ling (Ewing) Arguably, Lin has inspired the most excitement around the Knicks organization since Patrick Ewing. This comparison is bound to happen come playoff time (well, maybe). Besides Spike Lee (http://www.askmen.com/celebs/men/entertainment/spike-lee/) (who "thanked" Golden State Warriors coach Marc Jackson for letting Lin go) or the duels with the Miami Heat in the late '90s, Lin is one of the most compelling things about New York basketball. 5. Linscrafters Lin can shoot well, so don't be surprised if you see this as a headline. He doesn't have an eyeglasses endorsement deal (yet), but even before his recent outburst, Lin had been under contract with Nike since late 2010. 4. Linnin The new Tebowing or a term to describe how he drapes (see what I did there?) over his opponent on defense? Either way, we'll have to wait and see on this one. It could also just mean "winning." Lin has spoken openly about his faith -- he said he uses basketball for "God's glory." 3. Lin Time Like Tim Tebow (http://www.askmen.com/celebs/men/sports/tim-tebow/index.html), expect Lin to be glorified for how he plays in the fourth quarter. That and the fact that Lin presents a huge globalization factor for the NBA brand. New York has the second largest population of Asian-Americans (1.6 million), after California. He may play in the New York market, but his reach is far greater. 2. Lin Man This kid is the first NBA player to finish with at least 28 points and eight assists in his first NBA start in 30 years. The last player to achieve that feat? Isiah Thomas. Oh, and he's the first American athlete of Chinese or Taiwanese descent in the NBA. College coaches (even the staff at Harvard, at first) didn't like Lin's slight frame. 1. Lin This is a reference to the French word often seen at the end of films, "fin." Lin's last name alone signifies, hopefully, the "end" of his days of being overlooked on the bench as a third or fourth string player. Bonus: Other phrases that didn’t make the list: "Lin-sync," "All I Do Is Lin," "Linner Linner," "Chicken Dinner," and "LinkedLin." Continue Reading (http://www.askmen.com/sports/fanatic_400/406_jeremy-lin-sayings.html)

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