View Full Version : been away too long...

03-02-2012, 08:33 PM
sorry for the delay in posting guys.just have so much on my plate like a fat man at a buffet.my girl and i are going thru some extreme financial problems and we're forced to make the decision to go our own way for now.she back to her parents and i'm desperately trying to look fo a place i can afford which ain't much on what i make.every lead that looks good comes with a curveball.exhausted my savings today to put a security down and now get told he has to add an additional $130 on top of the rent.seems like i'm screwed everywhere i look.one solid lead left but only as a last course of action.

plus to top it all off i've been sick since our last little snowstorm here,almost 6-7wks ago.found out i had walking pnuemonia but waited too long for it to be treated,not that i could afford the meds anyway.was told to stay out of the gym the last 3.5wks.just feeling better to the point i have some strength back.lost a few pounds i guess from stress and being sick at the same time.i just hold onto my faith and pray all works out in the end.might have to go offline for a week or so till i get situated and maybe wireless net if they don't include it in the rent.we'll see.

just don't want anyone to think i've completely disappeared or relapsed or something harsh like that.just been a pretty hellacious last 7wks.everything hits the fan all at once it seems. but troopers fight on and fight on i must.i will get thru this,i will get back to the gym and i will overcome any and all obstacles.

also thank you guys for your prayers for Niko.he's doing alot better.have to call him tonight or tomorrow to check on him.things like that mean alot to me.shows me we can stick together as a unit or a family.a community where we're the outcasts from "normal society".thnx again family.roc...

03-02-2012, 08:36 PM
good to see you back in and still kicking rocco. you are in our thoughts and prayers man. keep the nose to the grind stone man, you know as well as anyone else that you will pull through this stronger than you started

03-02-2012, 10:22 PM
sorry for the delay in posting guys.just have so much on my plate like a fat man at a buffet.my girl and i are going thru some extreme financial problems and we're forced to make the decision to go our own way for now.she back to her parents and i'm desperately trying to look fo a place i can afford which ain't much on what i make.every lead that looks good comes with a curveball.exhausted my savings today to put a security down and now get told he has to add an additional $130 on top of the rent.seems like i'm screwed everywhere i look.one solid lead left but only as a last course of action.

plus to top it all off i've been sick since our last little snowstorm here,almost 6-7wks ago.found out i had walking pnuemonia but waited too long for it to be treated,not that i could afford the meds anyway.was told to stay out of the gym the last 3.5wks.just feeling better to the point i have some strength back.lost a few pounds i guess from stress and being sick at the same time.i just hold onto my faith and pray all works out in the end.might have to go offline for a week or so till i get situated and maybe wireless net if they don't include it in the rent.we'll see.

just don't want anyone to think i've completely disappeared or relapsed or something harsh like that.just been a pretty hellacious last 7wks.everything hits the fan all at once it seems. but troopers fight on and fight on i must.i will get thru this,i will get back to the gym and i will overcome any and all obstacles.

also thank you guys for your prayers for Niko.he's doing alot better.have to call him tonight or tomorrow to check on him.things like that mean alot to me.shows me we can stick together as a unit or a family.a community where we're the outcasts from "normal society".thnx again family.roc...

I'm right there with your bro as a matter of fact my posting just in the last couples or so has risen.

03-02-2012, 11:32 PM
it's about time you showed up :)

03-03-2012, 07:31 AM
Welcome back rocco.

03-03-2012, 08:25 AM
glad to see you around rocco... keep at it like guns said you'll pull thru...

03-03-2012, 06:12 PM
keep gridin rocco you will be okay you can pull through it

03-03-2012, 09:07 PM
Welcome back to IM bro..

03-04-2012, 04:28 PM
it's about time you showed up :)lol...wat's up irish.hope all's good on your end.i just get so overwhelmed with everything at once.i guess i get too lax in my own comfort zone that i don't pay attention to the small things around me.then the small shit builds up and before i know it ka-boom,i explode.only real worry i got now is just findin a place i can afford.everytime one gets lined up i either get zapped with an extra $150-200 on the advertised rent or it's a shit hole ghetto bomb.i think i def have one last place as a last resort.a bit more than i can afford but the lady that owns the house said she's willing to help me if i help her with the house.just gotta start re-training my body to workout in the early am-4/5 o'clock than at night.hate mornings.i'm so much stronger at night but i'm really determined to figure out a way i can get my ISSA cert course and still try to get into night time nursing school.where there's a will there's a way.only problem i'll have with a student loan or assistance is i'm white and around my way everyone,including the government agencies,think if you're white you got cash to pay for shit straight up.

i gotta hit the gym tomorrow.gotta start my 5/3/1 all over again.this pnuemonia really knocked the shit outta me this time.longest it's ever lasted.plus with the added stress i lost about 10lbs this month.sucks but i just gotta buckle down and get my shit in order...

03-04-2012, 05:07 PM
Hey man you're going through hell right now.....I believe that all of us have been down real ugly roads before....but tough people pull out!! And you will pull out of this one!!

You have your health starting to come back to you, you have your drive and determination. JUST FUKCING PULL OUT THE HEAVY BRO!!!


03-05-2012, 12:45 AM
Good to see ya back around bro.

03-05-2012, 04:11 PM
If I can help let me know! It is good to see you back I know this is a tough time but you been through tougher. Keep your head up and lmk what I can do not that I can do much as Im still recovering but you never know LMK.

03-05-2012, 05:56 PM
:-( thnx guys...got some pretty decent news today on a new place.a bit more than i can afford but where there's a will there's a way...now i can start putting money aside for my trainers cert course and hopefully finish it by summers end,get certified and get to what i was meant to do in life...workout and train others.if you do what you like as a vocation then it's not really work,right,lol...!

03-05-2012, 05:56 PM
was supposed to be a :-) in there.hit wrong key,lol...

03-05-2012, 09:07 PM
Personal training is an incredible way of making money.

Being a bodybuilder and one who walks the talk, it took me 2 months to take 0.00 to making 30k...and now 9 months into the business I am going to hit 72k annually.

I have never been more happier than before, with the decision that I made last April. I work my ass off, and there are pros and cons, but at the end of the day the rewerds are infinite.

Just be aware that I have also seen MANY 'trainers' come in and go out the same door, because they can't land big contracts.


03-05-2012, 10:25 PM
looks like its about time to use those good looks and start hookin for side cash!!! haha jk man youve been through alot since ive known you ( less then 2 years) im sure you will make it through this bro