View Full Version : Have you ever been judged...

03-08-2012, 08:21 AM
by a doctor when you are there looking for help with an issue? This has happened to fuzo and i on many occassions. When I was having a lot of pain, the docs would look at me and make comments about me looking young, fit, etc. and I feel like I wasn't taking seriously. I try to make myself look good on the outside but that doesn't mean I felt great on the inside.

Same goes with Fuzo, docs look at him and say "you're a big guy", and other stupid comments, and then don't take him seriously when he is there for help also.

Don't ever assume how a person feels just on how they look on the outside cause you never really know.

03-08-2012, 10:38 AM
every time i go in to the doctor before it was the same crap. i got a new doc now that is a no bs down to business guy that actually cares. if i want it to be looked at or i have a concern he will go out of his way to help me out. he also knows what i do and how i eat and has no prob with it whatsoever

03-08-2012, 02:03 PM
The best advice I was given By an ER doctor was to be your own doctor dont take no for an answer even if it turns out Im wrong. I was dealing with the same problem recently unfortunatly I started to look how I felt. The pain I was in was unbareable you think my doc would of offered me something for the pain. We have to remember they are working for us to demand things from them even if it makes us look like assholes.

03-10-2012, 08:26 AM
I am just so disgusted with ethe medical field, urgh!

03-10-2012, 08:32 AM
I am just so disgusted with ethe medical field, urgh!

you just have to look around and find a good one that actually cares about what you have to say and also cares about you. i lucked into mine big time. i take my whole family to him now, he is that good

03-10-2012, 12:51 PM
I am just so disgusted with ethe medical field, urgh!
I hear ya and hope things get better.

03-10-2012, 02:20 PM
I am just so disgusted with ethe medical field, urgh!

My doc is awesome.. Her staff on the other hand.. I want to fing choke..... Fing nurses think they know every fing thing.. I had a bad staff infection in my left forearm last summer. I ended up in the e.r. for it. Well long story short, Nurse called me that monday told me it was mrsa. Told me to continue with the doxy I was on and it'd be fine.. Yeah right!! doxy wont cover mrsa.. I got some other people involved, doc called me right away and put me on stronger antibiotic...

03-11-2012, 01:52 AM
i have. i've told my gp that my shouler and elbow hurt like a mf and based on my conditioning, she's often quick to dismiss it like it's no big deal.

The IM Troll
03-11-2012, 07:06 AM
Doctor do this to Troll so Troll pull out dick and smack that crap out him with it, Troll go to jail for it and get judged again in court.