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03-23-2012, 12:23 PM
Obama Handshake shunned

A picture is worth a thousand words. Pretty obvious whose pocket the networks are in.....

Oh well, guess it wasn't considered sensational or newsworthy.

Subject: Obama Handshake

Why would they shake the hand of someone for whom they have absolutely NO respect?

Watch this 10-second video where in all these Russ ians that are in line refuse to shake Obama's hand.

Did you ever see this on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC?

I guess I must have missed it too.

This is "hard ball," Soviet style. This is truly an amazing 10 seconds!
After the third handshake refusal, it becomes obvious he's not welcome. Obama's facial expression is priceless. I guess you're no longer in Chicago, Barack!

How in the world did Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Diane Sawyer, Bob Woodward, et al, miss this - or did they see it and just chose not to show it?
If this had been Bush, or any other Republican president, do you think the media would ignore it?

Hell no, they would be playing it over and over a hundred times a day.

Obama Handshake Shunner