View Full Version : its been a hell of a month

03-30-2012, 06:10 AM
I haven't been around here much lately but i have had one hell of a month. It started a few weeks ago with this injury in my pec/delt area. I tried takingtime away from chest and just doing laterals for delts. The following week i end of with a flu and it knocks me out of the gym completely. The next week we were havingaparty for my son's third birthday so i was working extra hours so i could eventually enjoy some time off to be with him. That weekend we were having about 50 people over to our home for his party so i also spent some time getting the house ready. A week ago monday my father-in law gets sick.A few days go by and he isn't getting better. Let me also state he is a 65yr overweight diabetic who has had heart surgery in the past. I go to check on him that thursday and he can't get out of bed and calls for his girlfriend to get the door, only she wasn't home. I wait a few minutes at the door and then decide to go around to the rear slider which luckily was open. I am calling his name and calling his name and no answer. I make my way to just outside his bedroom door and i see his leg on the bed but he doesn't answer. I decide not to bother him because he is obviously alive, i heard him yell for his girlfriend a few minutes ago, so i let him rest. The next day my wife goes to visit him and he is grey and sweaty and shaky and his arm is severly swollen. She calls his doc and the doc says he has cellulitis get him to the er. Her father refuses and two more days pass and when his girlfriend comes home he is again grey, sweaty, shaky and has now pissed all over himself and the bed. He is disoriented and they call 911. this was monday. Fast forward to wed night, doc tells us he has sepsis and that he was just a few days away from it killing him. Normally if someone has sepsis when they take the cultures to test one or two cultures come back positive. All four of his came back positive. The doc says on a scale of 1 to 10 for seriousness its 10. There is fluid in the lungs and heart and they need to go in and check his heart to see if the bacteria has grown on his heart. He will be in the hospital for another 10 days to 6 weeks depending on the condition of his heart. They said his confusion and loss of memory is from the sepsis as well.

You want to know the cause of all this? This bastard was re-using his insulin needles!!!!!!! a $.30 needle almost cost him his damn life and is putting his family through hell. I can't believe a grown man who has been a diabetic for over ten years could be so foolish. And of course it could have been cut short if he went to his doc when the swelling was bad and he could have gotten regular antibiotics but in his stubborn ginny head he thought he just had a flu.

So my month went from just being depressed because i hadn't trained and felt like a lazy POS t worrying about loosing my father in law and what is going to happen with him next.

03-30-2012, 06:13 AM
Oh and my assistant with my job as a repair tech for planet fitness, was let go because he was being a persistent pain in the ass to our bosses, so now i work alone. While i like not having to worry about double checking his work and cleaning up whatever he couldn't do, this is adding to the stress of the month. I'll fill you guys in more on the work stuffin a later post. I have to get my son up and ready to go to my mothers house. thanks for listening and hopefully we all learn from my experience with my father in law!! Talk to you all soon.

03-30-2012, 07:06 AM
man that sucks to hear ce but you know it can only get better from here man.

03-30-2012, 07:36 AM
Wow, sounds like life threw you some curves all at once!!! Glad to see you back and hang in there!

03-30-2012, 11:01 AM
Life can never be easy! Things do get better so hang in there!

03-30-2012, 06:18 PM
Thanks guys, i'm looking forward to being active here again. After some r&r this weekend i'm hoping to get back on the horse atthe gym. Still going to avoid chest and shoulder presses for the first few weeks. ill keep you updated.