View Full Version : Dear Oreo Cookie

06-14-2012, 07:20 PM
There is a contest going on somewhere hahahah that reminded me of a letter I had written to Oreo cookie....yes I am the craziest sugar maniac you have ever met...but contest time comes, it probably is my biggest battle on a day to day.

So here is my letter.

Dear Oreo Cookie,

I know we have been friends for a long time.
Yes I remember going to school with you when I was little. And having lunch break together, I do remember those times.
Even growing up, we used to hang out almost every day, you would go to the gym with me, camping.
But now that I am in contest prep, we cannot be friends any longer.
Do not stare at me when I walk by the cookie isle. Do not go on specials, or 2 fo 1 kind of deals. We just don't meet eye to eye.

I am going crazy without, but I can't have you.


06-15-2012, 03:40 PM
Thats pretty funny....

06-15-2012, 04:15 PM

06-15-2012, 05:53 PM
lmao man, i feel the same way about all sugar