View Full Version : Ever get discouraged about loosing all your hard gains?

08-07-2013, 01:34 PM
Well as the thread says i'm there. For the past two months ive been so busy with self remodeling a house my precious wife inherited and preparing for our recent move that there was literally not even 1hr to squeeze in a workout and so ive lost a lot of hardwork. Lost 15lbs of lean mass along with all the strength from the loss.


08-07-2013, 05:14 PM
GREAT thread!! I was at this point about two months ago...i got sick, went into the hospital, and lost probably 30lbs of muscle and ALL my strength!! What I did was jump on some test prop GDL's anavar and ate like a horse...it is coming back slowly but surely...you will definitely get it back but my suggestion is start slowly...i tried hitting bench and other compound movements hard and it just upset me how weak I had gotten

But muscle memory is great and you will definitely gain it back, i can promise you that...

Little BamBam
08-08-2013, 05:30 AM
Yes muscle memory it needs to kick in for me I'm gettin back baby I lost strength and mass preparing for a fight until my son came into this world 6months later I'm coming with a vengeance

08-08-2013, 09:04 AM
^^^congratulations on your son being born! And from my experience, with a lil enhancement, it allllwwaayyss comes back, usually better! Now, my strength isn't fully back yet but my body is filling out better...

Look at it this way: you have a clean slate to sculpt fresh again! You can now start with a fresh canvas so to speak...that is how I treated it!

08-08-2013, 10:12 AM
Agreed. Im gonna ease in for two weeks and get back to beastmode!