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View Full Version : Lack of Fukn comunication

05-12-2008, 09:24 PM
Dont you hate it when thiers lack of comunication between people
You say something or want to know something and they have better things to do..
Or they asked you a question and you answered them and they act like they dont rember....

If its that hard for them to remember then they must have to much on thier plate.

Thats 1 thing I cant stand is bieng treated like a little kid
when ive been in the game for 20yrs.....Im still learning we all are but show a little respect...this is not aimed at anyone on the board I just needed to vent im sure everyones been ther before my Brothers.......RD..........

05-13-2008, 07:40 AM
No doubt, I hear you. A little respect goes a long way. Sometimes it takes a little extra effort to understand someone but when we're quick to jump and emotions or attitude gets involved it ends up bad.