View Full Version : Not done yet - Evans set for 185-pound debut at UFC 209

03-03-2017, 11:50 PM
Don't miss an epic night of fights: Order UFC 209 nowFor a while, Rashad Evans was seeing more doctors than opponents, a bad sign for any prizefighter. What made the ordeal that saw him get scrapped from bouts at UFC 205 and UFC 206 late last year even worse is that all those doctors said he was just fine after passing his tests with flying colors.“At the time, I just couldn't understand it,” he said of the anomaly on an MRI that kept him from being licensed in New York and Toronto. “I did all the medical requirements and I passed all the tests that I needed to pass to ge ... Read the Full Article Here (http://www.ufc.com/news/Not-done-yet-Evans-to-make-185-pound-debut-at-UFC-209)

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