View Full Version : USADA statement on Jim Wallhead

02-06-2018, 09:42 PM
USADA announced today that UFC® athlete Jim Wallhead, of Loughborough, United Kingdom, accepted a nine-month sanction after testing positive for a prohibited substance from a contaminated supplement.Wallhead, 33, tested positive for ostarine and its metabolite following an out-of-competition test conducted on October 7, 2017. Ostarine is a non-Specified Substance in the class of Anabolic Agents and prohibited at all times under the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, which has adopted the World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List.Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 and Enobosarm, is a non-FDA approved sele ... Read the Full Article Here (http://www.ufc.com/news/USADA-statement-on-Jim-Wallhead)

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