View Full Version : disrespecting my mom

12-18-2009, 08:49 AM
my mom works in a bank she had a run n with a g from my gym 2 years back she gave him to much money for a checked he cashed at her bank he does not have an account there but the check was written from her bank. well anyway he came in yesterday and wanted to cash a check but th bank has a new policy where they must have thumb print if you don't have any account at the bank it has been in effect since june or something she said so she told this guy this and he said ok what do you want next some of my piss! somy mom was mad and she called me b/c se knows where i work out and she knows he does also. should i ay something to the guy?

i want to tell him to tell my mom he was sory for the comment and don't ever talk to her like that again. my g/f is scared i will end up in a fight with him.and i am sure if he gets smart i will beat him inthe head but i don't think he will what would you guys do? let it bow by thats hard for me you disrespected my mom ...

12-18-2009, 09:08 AM
Thats a tough one cause it would piss me off as well.
I would look at it this way,did he know it was your mothter?If not dont take it personal.Maybe he was having a bad day or maybe he is just an asshole which is probably the case.This is hard for me to say,just let it go no need for you to beat his ass and get busted.It would suck to loose all that money on a lawyer and court costs for a dickhead who has no respect for people just doing their job.I think your mom would feel guilty for telling you if you get in trouble and you dont want to do that im sure.So if you do wind up beating his ass wear a ski mask.;)

12-18-2009, 09:41 AM
thanks i agree with what your saying i have no plans on beating his ass unless he gets smart with me.if he does that i thnk thing will go bad quick. think i might just make a comment to him that is my mom and just walk away if he gets smart or gives her some shit again then it will be ski mask time....my mom only asked me if i knew him she didn't ask me to say anything or do anything but i am sure she would feel like shit if i did get in trouble over it .at 37 years old don't need a problem with the law..

12-18-2009, 01:05 PM
I am sure it wasn’t directed towards her, but to the bank. But your mom would not want you to get in trouble. You could also say something like. Hey my mom said she met you the other day, and of course he will say oh yeah were. Lol

There's Mr. Opportunity knocking for you...:)

12-18-2009, 01:15 PM
This is your mom's fight - not yours. Let her duke it out in her own way with this guy. I'm really against people fighting other peoples' fights except when you're dealing with an immediate physical threat or confrontation.

12-18-2009, 02:20 PM
This is your mom's fight - not yours. Let her duke it out in her own way with this guy. I'm really against people fighting other peoples' fights except when you're dealing with an immediate physical threat or confrontation.

so it wouldn't brother you if he did this to your mom? i understand your point but its my mom were talking about and what he said was bull shit.. so if i walked up to your mom and told her to get the fuck out of my way it wouldn't brother you? i can tell you this if i seen some jack ass do this to yor mom i would say something to him thats for sure.. sometimes in life you have to step in an take care of things to me the guy sounds like a jack ass and as no respect for anybody and kinda of reminds me of a bully from school he talks to her that way b/c he can get away with it she is just a women i bet he wouldn't talk to me that way if i was standing in front of him...

12-18-2009, 03:18 PM
my mom works in a bank she had a run n with a g from my gym 2 years back she gave him to much money for a checked he cashed at her bank he does not have an account there but the check was written from her bank. well anyway he came in yesterday and wanted to cash a check but th bank has a new policy where they must have thumb print if you don't have any account at the bank it has been in effect since june or something she said so she told this guy this and he said ok what do you want next some of my piss! somy mom was mad and she called me b/c se knows where i work out and she knows he does also. should i ay something to the guy?

i want to tell him to tell my mom he was sory for the comment and don't ever talk to her like that again. my g/f is scared i will end up in a fight with him.and i am sure if he gets smart i will beat him inthe head but i don't think he will what would you guys do? let it bow by thats hard for me you disrespected my mom ...

fuck that thats your mom go tell him he has two options


or take a walk with you and play hardball

catch him walking out of the gym with a ski mask, fuck him up beyone belief, catch him SLIPPING

ive done it tons of times!!! AT MY OWN WORKPLACE!!!!!!!!!!!! KO HIM REAL QUICK AND WALK OFF LIKE NOTHING


12-18-2009, 03:20 PM
This is your mom's fight - not yours. Let her duke it out in her own way with this guy. I'm really against people fighting other peoples' fights except when you're dealing with an immediate physical threat or confrontation.

you are a fucking IDIOT and have no loyalty you PUSSY!!!! GO BACK TO FRANCE FAGGOT

C O W A R D !!!! well see how liked you will be around this board pushoverboy

did your mom have any other children that survived?

12-18-2009, 03:50 PM
you are a fucking IDIOT and have no loyalty you PUSSY!!!! GO BACK TO FRANCE FAGGOT

C O W A R D !!!! well see how liked you will be around this board pushoverboy

did your mom have any other children that survived?oh shit,hahaha,blast you're shot the hell out,hahaha!! but seriuosly apbt niko's right.pull him to the side,no witnesses plus he'll feel less obligated to smart off at the mouth if no one else is around.try and be civil and street at the same time.explain to him what he did was totally messed up not just cause that's your mom but just outta respect for women.then give him his options,apologize sincerely or as blast said "take him for a walk or offer to buy him a drink".that was my favorite to do,the drink offer.if you know you've got a short hot temper it may be better off having someone there you trust will pull you away before you rip his liver out and sodomize him with it.gettin locked up over a POS like that who's probly a fake ass wanna be tough guy faggot bully ain't worth it.he'll look like the innocent victim and you'll be touted as an uncontrolable beast.

12-18-2009, 04:03 PM
I see it as you have two options...

You let it be because who knows the shit she's heard and had to put up with in her years of dealing with people. I know he knows you and whatnot but if he's going around disrespecting people then next time you see him tell him if he does it again you'll fuck him up, because he now knows you mean business.


You fuck him up or get someone to and he doesn't know why because obviously you wanna stay anon. So he doesn't learn his lesson and could make him even more of a dick.

Remember...Karma will catch up on him and you.

12-18-2009, 04:20 PM
oh shit,hahaha,blast you're shot the hell out,hahaha!! but seriuosly apbt niko's right.pull him to the side,no witnesses plus he'll feel less obligated to smart off at the mouth if no one else is around.try and be civil and street at the same time.explain to him what he did was totally messed up not just cause that's your mom but just outta respect for women.then give him his options,apologize sincerely or as blast said "take him for a walk or offer to buy him a drink".that was my favorite to do,the drink offer.if you know you've got a short hot temper it may be better off having someone there you trust will pull you away before you rip his liver out and sodomize him with it.gettin locked up over a POS like that who's probly a fake ass wanna be tough guy faggot bully ain't worth it.he'll look like the innocent victim and you'll be touted as an uncontrolable beast.

ok this is a PG-13 AND MORE RESPONSIBLE version of what i was trying to say

+1 !!!!!!

12-18-2009, 04:23 PM
I see it as you have two options...

You let it be because who knows the shit she's heard and had to put up with in her years of dealing with people. I know he knows you and whatnot but if he's going around disrespecting people then next time you see him tell him if he does it again you'll fuck him up, because he now knows you mean business.


You fuck him up or get someone to and he doesn't know why because obviously you wanna stay anon. So he doesn't learn his lesson and could make him even more of a dick.

Remember...Karma will catch up on him and you.

another good post
yes i get jumped all the fucking time becuase i used to jump the shit out of fooolz ( gang members only i would never jump a non gang member that is some BITCH SHIT) becuase i know they would jump me on site and would never get a 1on1

either way he needs to know your not happy about the way he spoke to your mother take it from there!@

12-18-2009, 04:50 PM
tks guys i have a pretty good temper its not short by no means i will say what i want to say and walk off...thaks for the input.....

12-18-2009, 05:24 PM
tks guys i have a pretty good temper its not short by no means i will say what i want to say and walk off...thaks for the input.....

or you could let that pitbull in your avatar off the leash on accident when hes coming out of the gym :D:D:eek:

12-18-2009, 06:12 PM
I am very close with my mom and my dad also...they are both my best friends, and they are also my parents.

My mom works in management in the retail sector, and over the years she has had some complications with co-workers, or with clients also.
At times she would or will, call me up and ask my opinion on a certain issue she may be facing, and I give her clean opinion.

Sure blood raises real fast, as it is in our nature to want to protect those who are close to us. But it will be a very rare occasion almost non-existent, when YOU as an outsider, when you as a son, will need to get into the picture./

This asshole, whether he was having a bad day or not, is still a fucking faggot.
As long as he did not offend her, touch her and or abuse her, then just let it be.


In Hulk
12-18-2009, 06:46 PM
So all the guy said was is "do you want some of my piss next"? And you're ready to escalate that shit to a confrontation, then maybe a fight, then maybe jail, then maybe a felony?

Really? Fucking, really? Realllllly?

Come on now, maybe the guy was having a bad day, maybe he thought he was being funny, maybe it's nothing more than one stupid joke because it's asinine to get finger printed to cash a check. I've made remarks about needing a hair sample or a vial of blood too when I've had to do stupid shit like this for financial related BS.

I think you're making a St. Helens out of absolutely nothing. You're telling me you've never ever made a snide remark to a waitress, or customer service rep, or telemarketer, or cashier? They're all someone's mother, or sister, or whatever, do you feel you should get your head bashed in for any of those times?

In Hulk
12-18-2009, 06:52 PM
you are a fucking IDIOT and have no loyalty you PUSSY!!!! GO BACK TO FRANCE FAGGOT

C O W A R D !!!! well see how liked you will be around this board pushoverboy

did your mom have any other children that survived?

lol How much tren are you on? :)

12-18-2009, 06:58 PM
lol How much tren are you on? :)

don't worry he snacked on some oral tren today lol

12-18-2009, 07:31 PM
don't worry he snacked on some oral tren today lol

i thought they were MIKE-N-IKES!!!!!! SHIT

12-18-2009, 08:52 PM
I have to ask if you know this guy really? How is he to people in your gym? Are you very well respected in your gym? I ask because he my know you are a looked up to type of guy at his gym. He may very well feel bad if you tell him what you know about the situation with your mom.

The last thing in my mind would be how big of a fight this might turn into. Going at it with that in mind might just set the wrong tone. Telling him he can do this or that seems rather bold if you ask me. He might say sorry dude. Then you can say dont tell me tell her next time in. Shake his hand and be done.

My older guy sugestion is you might talk to him in private and let him now how offended your mom was when he was in the bank the other day. Maybe just a reminder that women in this world are mothers and sisters and wives to someone. No need to be an ahole back to him. Just maybe some simple shame on him type of shit.

Leave the agression with the weights. Not how you approach this cat. If I had to guess your mom had dealt with far more BS from customers then this piss comment.

Good luck. Just remain calm at all times. Freedom is sweet.

12-19-2009, 12:37 AM
Wow that's a toughy. I'd be questioning my mom about how he said it and such. If he knew it was your mom- it's a straight up get his ass. If he did'nt know and being a bully on purpose- I'd say: hey - can I talk to you a minute?
Then I'd just be straight with his ass: Hey you said some messed up shit to my mom in the bank the other day man that made her feel bullied or whatever it made her feel and that's got me a lil pissed dude- put it on him - be straight and let him take it how he wants it- fuck all that game playin or ski mask shit- be honest and if he wants to take it there - then go at it face to face like fuckin men. Just dont kill him- lol And especially dont get your ass beat. But be a man about it- if he wants to be a punk- treat him like one.
Jail- consequences- not to be feared more than doing the right thing. Be smart but not sneaky or cowardice. If ya'll fight as long as you dont use a weapon or kill him or whatever and no witness says you started it- the charge wont be that bad.
If he did'nt know and she aint too upset I'd still pull him to the side and just be more friendly about it. Otherwise I'd look him dead in his eyes while I was talking to him serious but not agressive.

12-19-2009, 05:31 AM
Make this chump say sorry for his immature and disrespectful comments!

U shouldnt hafta beat his because hes gonna say sorry like the lil bitch he is.....and then if he dosent do this in 24hour put on the ass kickn boots and stomp sum fckn douches scull :D

12-19-2009, 03:19 PM
Make this chump say sorry for his immature and disrespectful comments!

U shouldnt hafta beat his because hes gonna say sorry like the lil bitch he is.....and then if he dosent do this in 24hour put on the ass kickn boots and stomp sum fckn douches scull :D

thats why i love ya man

eastcoast - west coast connect!

12-19-2009, 05:44 PM
I have to ask if you know this guy really? How is he to people in your gym? Are you very well respected in your gym? I ask because he my know you are a looked up to type of guy at his gym. He may very well feel bad if you tell him what you know about the situation with your mom.

The last thing in my mind would be how big of a fight this might turn into. Going at it with that in mind might just set the wrong tone. Telling him he can do this or that seems rather bold if you ask me. He might say sorry dude. Then you can say dont tell me tell her next time in. Shake his hand and be done.

My older guy sugestion is you might talk to him in private and let him now how offended your mom was when he was in the bank the other day. Maybe just a reminder that women in this world are mothers and sisters and wives to someone. No need to be an ahole back to him. Just maybe some simple shame on him type of shit.

Leave the agression with the weights. Not how you approach this cat. If I had to guess your mom had dealt with far more BS from customers then this piss comment.

Good luck. Just remain calm at all times. Freedom is sweet.

i share the same opinion as you. i do not know this guy personal and i am sure he does not know that is my mom. thats where i am going to leave it i am going ot put it the way you and appollo have said it. i am pretty well known at the gym and this guy is older guy then me i would say in his mid fourties. your right maybe he was having a bad day to me no excuse to be a dick. and no i am not looking for a felony but i really don't think this little short fuck is going to want to turn into that most bullies are little bitches when you call on them. i hope to see him this week and i will say like appollo and you said it.....

12-21-2009, 01:41 PM
hollowtip thes mo fo

12-21-2009, 02:06 PM
Personally, I handle things that come up, by talking with the person and trying to get them to see the situation from my point of view. I handle things as politely as possible while communicating the importance to them the need to see and understand things differently. At that point, if I get attitude, I get stronger with the point..... and then it's their decision as to how far things escalate. 99+% of the time, they become docile and agreeable.

So... In this situation, I would definitely approach the guy and explain the situation to him as brief as possible, and let him know you feel your mother was disrespected and that you feel an apology (at least to you) is needed. Chances are he'll want to make cool with you. But if he pops an attitude.... then you know the guy's a douche with a lesson to learn.

12-21-2009, 06:34 PM
you are a fucking IDIOT and have no loyalty you PUSSY!!!! GO BACK TO FRANCE FAGGOT

C O W A R D !!!! well see how liked you will be around this board pushoverboy

did your mom have any other children that survived?

Like I said before, it's his mom's fight. She'll feel much better and he'll think twice about doing that again to another woman (mother) is she would snap back and put him in his place. She can do it without being unprofessional in her banking setting. She doesn't have to go crying to little 'Blastie Boy' to beat him up. The guy made an off color stupid remark and she should have told him just that on the spot. I bet he'd apologize on his own. An apology made because someone made you make isn't really an apology. It's amazing how much power a mother can have to make a dickhead feel like a dickhead.

I do have a mother. And my wife is a mother. And they both fight their own little pissie battles - like this one.

12-21-2009, 07:00 PM
so it wouldn't brother you if he did this to your mom? i understand your point but its my mom were talking about and what he said was bull shit.. so if i walked up to your mom and told her to get the fuck out of my way it wouldn't brother you? i can tell you this if i seen some jack ass do this to yor mom i would say something to him thats for sure.. sometimes in life you have to step in an take care of things to me the guy sounds like a jack ass and as no respect for anybody and kinda of reminds me of a bully from school he talks to her that way b/c he can get away with it she is just a women i bet he wouldn't talk to me that way if i was standing in front of him...

A little pissy ass remark like he made to your mom - bother me? Man you need some real confrontation in your life to make you lighten up. My wife (also a mom) and my mom run into that kind of pussy shit all the time. They handle it on their own. I only laugh at their stories. You guys are trying to sensationalize this mom, honor, glory stuff. Do you pound on your chest when you tell how you're going to whip someone's ass?

12-21-2009, 07:38 PM
A little pissy ass remark like he made to your mom - bother me? Man you need some real confrontation in your life to make you lighten up. My wife (also a mom) and my mom run into that kind of pussy shit all the time. They handle it on their own. I only laugh at their stories. You guys are trying to sensationalize this mom, honor, glory stuff. Do you pound on your chest when you tell how you're going to whip someone's ass?

Just how big is your wife and Mom ?

I've always felt the obligation to protect women. The majority of women are smaller and physically weaker than men.

I have never hit a woman, restrained yes.

12-22-2009, 08:30 AM
A little pissy ass remark like he made to your mom - bother me? Man you need some real confrontation in your life to make you lighten up. My wife (also a mom) and my mom run into that kind of pussy shit all the time. They handle it on their own. I only laugh at their stories. You guys are trying to sensationalize this mom, honor, glory stuff. Do you pound on your chest when you tell how you're going to whip someone's ass?

not once did i say i was going to just walk up to him and whip his ass. thats the last thing on my mind.. do i want to do that ? no i don't i am not 20years old any more..yes i understand its my mom fights but being a dick to me and being a dick to her is two different things he wouldn't say the things he said to her i can almost guarantee. i was raised that everybody is entitled to respect no matter who you are or what your size but not everybody has that same opinion. i can go from the most repesctful person in the bar to the biggest dickin the bar its in all the way you talk to me if you say excuse me i will be more then happy to move out of your way you could be the smallest guy in the bar but if you walk up to me and say move i will tell you to fuck off fast or if yo shove your way thru i will shove you back.... i am not going to run down every person that is or has been rude but this one put it over the top b/c my mom called me asking if i knew him so to me he has done this type of shit to her or others before. i asked some guy at th gym last night and they knew him and both of them said he's a dick thinks is all of that b/c he has some money and has a actors name.....

you let your wife take care of her self i pray to god nobody goes up side her head b/c she got smart with some dick head and you weren't man enough to say anything......

12-22-2009, 08:42 AM
Just how big is your wife and Mom ?

I've always felt the obligation to protect women. The majority of women are smaller and physically weaker than men.

I have never hit a woman, restrained yes.

Have you ever heard the phrase "The pen is mighter than the sword"? You can do some very good damage with words. That's what little old ladies use. They don't have to be big. The original post was about a guy asking advice on how if he should and or how to confront a guy that pissed off his mother. This bad guy didn't kick her or punch her or run over her with his car. He simply pissed her off with some words - and now half the world is voting that the bad guy should have his face kicked in.

By the way, my mother is 83 and walks very slow. If she found out I punched a guy out that simply pissed her off she'd kick my ass.

12-22-2009, 02:49 PM
lol How much tren are you on? :)

LMFAO! You know whats funny BLAST is that kateraxl is my dad and you don't see me threatening to kick your ass for calling him a FRENCH FAGGOT. We're Irish anyway, you fucking tool!
I agree with RONUS, too many legal troubles come with trying to kick somebody's ass. I like kicking peoles ass so I go to the fighting gym everyday and do it. And my mom (kateraxl's wife) is smart enough to know that if people say things to her to piss her off, they're probably just not very happy with themselves.

01-05-2010, 07:55 PM
well i finally ran into the guy today he was a on a bike i walked up to him asked him if that was his name and told him what my mom said to me and told him that was a fucked up comment of course he denied it which i figured his little fat ass would do swore up and down he never said that he asked me what bank it was i told him still said he didn't say that walked away and said thats a fucked up comment to be telling someone... so i get on the treadmill and run and he walks up to me a few mins later and says he was sorry but he did not make those comments and knew who my mom was and said she has always been nice and understood why i would be protective of my mom. told him not to say he was sorry to me tell her that next time he see's her said he didn't want any problems i told him i had no problems go tell her you were sorry maybe you were having a bad day or something i don't know or care then he talked to me for a few mins and wanted to be my buddie.

so there you have it no jail or anything.. i am glad b/c i am jacked up on test tren and winny.....

01-05-2010, 10:31 PM
you dont want to get ur mom fired if asshole calls the bank after his head banging,so play it cool,let him know u know and its ur mom and from there well see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is probably to late! seeing this is 2wks old and awe.so how did it go??????????

01-06-2010, 12:54 PM
well i finally ran into the guy today he was a on a bike i walked up to him asked him if that was his name and told him what my mom said to me and told him that was a fucked up comment of course he denied it which i figured his little fat ass would do swore up and down he never said that he asked me what bank it was i told him still said he didn't say that walked away and said thats a fucked up comment to be telling someone... so i get on the treadmill and run and he walks up to me a few mins later and says he was sorry but he did not make those comments and knew who my mom was and said she has always been nice and understood why i would be protective of my mom. told him not to say he was sorry to me tell her that next time he see's her said he didn't want any problems i told him i had no problems go tell her you were sorry maybe you were having a bad day or something i don't know or care then he talked to me for a few mins and wanted to be my buddie.

so there you have it no jail or anything.. i am glad b/c i am jacked up on test tren and winny.....

Late response here....

You are lucky he did not go to the bank and file a compliant that you approached him about it. It could be some serious problems for your mom if he did. If he had told them that you threatened him because of it she might have gotten fired.

If your mom is in customer service then she really need to accept that she will run into assholes and not think a second about it. If she is going to call you every time she think someone insults here then she should probably find another job.

This shit could have escalated to something pretty bad. If you had ended fighting the guy your mom would be without a job, bank would have gotten sued and so would you. Of course you in jail might not care.

Seriously, this shit is way to irrelevant to even thing twice about. Your mom should not said a word to you about this. Nothing good and come of it.

I am glad you approached this with a pretty level head.

01-07-2010, 12:05 AM
First animalistic instinct is to say something to him and handle it with aggression and potentially fight..but it's not worth it in the end..what if you seriously get fucked up..or even worst..one day this scumbag is waiting for your to get off work..you see what I mean..yes..I would love to fuck him too for speaking to my mother that way..we know the feeling.

01-07-2010, 01:01 AM
Sounds like everything worked out bro, I wouldnt worry about him calling the bank and complaining.... then he would have to avoid you at the gym and he knows you would catch up with him sometime esp if it costed your mom her job

01-07-2010, 12:18 PM
well well other even killed level headed folks on e-s.
see steroids dont turn everyone green. and make them beat there girlfriends and innocent bistanders up.

01-07-2010, 01:05 PM
I understand his comment was more towards the bank and not your mom. Howver, with that being said, thats your mother, I would have a simple respectful talk with him, see how he handles that talk. If he doesnt apoligize to yoru mom I would bash his fuckin head ito his car windshield. Then piss on him.

01-07-2010, 02:42 PM
not one time did i tell him was going to kick his ass. things did not go down like that.. i asked him about the comment he denied it then came up to me like 5min later and told me he knew who my mom was if its the lady he was thinking about and said she has always been nice and knew why i was doing what i was doing he teold me he was sorry if he did say that and it offened her or me i told him i am cool tell her your sorry not me and left it at that i told him maybe you were having a bad day i don't know or care tell her your sorry not me and put my head phone back in my ears and got back to running...

i am not to worried about him going to the bank and telling them on me b/c my mom told me the bank manger heard what he said and was pissed also....

01-07-2010, 03:03 PM

01-07-2010, 03:26 PM
Excatly how I would have handled it =)