View Full Version : women????? wtf???

01-01-2010, 05:46 AM
Alright...i need a place to vent, so i decided ill do it here...

Its 2010, and im tired of my jealous ass gf, we have a 15 month old baby boy and i love him to death. We have been together for almost 3 years but she got prego after we had only been together for 5 months...Everytime i go out of town on biz she is searching and/or digging for bullshit on my computer to start a fight when i get home....well i just got back from Miami christmas eve and we have not hardly talked at all or fucked...we went out for new years and didnt even kiss when the ball dropped...i just recently bought a franchise and ive been really busy with getting all of the administrative bullshit takin care of and havent had time to talk to her about what the hell is wrong with her...well tonight while we were out for new years she told all my friends a bunch of bullshit and im ready to say its time to call it quits! if she cant talk to me but tell all my friends whats wrong with her then i dont have time for her bullshit...apart of me says stay with her for our son and apart of me says "be done with this bullshit while he is young"

I dont know what to do and honestly i dont have nobody to talk to about this shit....when i think about us breaking up, i think about seeing her out somewhere with my kid and another guy holding my son, and i think if i ever saw that shit i would flip the fuck out and go back to jail. But on the other hand, i think would it be better for my son at a early age, to become use to me and her not being together, and both of us (me and her) being happy and raising him in a healthy relationship.

with it being the begining of 2010 i want to start the new year off good. so i figured i would ask my fellow ES friends what they would do...

01-01-2010, 10:12 AM

01-01-2010, 10:20 AM
Bro, I don't know what might be going on with your girl but, it sounds like she 's just looking to start some drama by going through your shit while your gone. I mean sometimes people try and accuse you of shit that they might be doing just to try and justify what they might be doing behind your back. You've been together for three years now so you pretty much know each other and what makes one another tick. So if your trying to fix things and she continues to push bull shit drama then the shits not gonna work. Ya'll need to sit down and talk this shit through and figure out if this relationships worth fixing for yalls sake and your sons. Good luck bro hope I don't see ya on Dr. Phil!:cool:

01-02-2010, 02:04 PM
Basically what nut said...but deep down it sounds as if she has trust issues
and needs to realize or you should move on. You don't want to raise a
child in a broken family but you also don't want to raise your child in a
unhappy, misreable, and angry environment. As long as your a good father
and there for your child you should be ok. I feel you on the other man holding
your child that would be horrible and sickening to me.

01-04-2010, 12:10 AM
Thanks for all the advise fellaz, she moved out. I guess its best for all three of us. Im going to talk to a lawyer tomorrow about custody issues.

01-04-2010, 06:44 AM
Sorry to hear that Bro- you know where to find me I'd you need to vent

01-04-2010, 10:48 AM
THat sucks bro a bad way to start the new year. but it maybe for the best. i got divorced almost 2 years ago i was with my wife for almost 16years it was tough the last 5 years were bad and it turnedout for the best the women i am with is god to me we never fight... we are here if you need somebody to vent to keep your head up and get a lawyer thats a good move

01-04-2010, 11:16 AM
what did she say that is so bad for u to want to leave her

weigh out pros and cons bro

01-04-2010, 12:34 PM
WOW!! This is a very abrupt decision.....I would dig to find answers---there are big elements missing here.

I went through a break up over the summer....now 5 months later, I am still in fucking pieces over her---we broke up for the wrong reasons.
But I have submerged myself into my business, I am moving on forward.
Started seeing this chick a month ago, and it is going fantastic!

Keep going!!! Remain strong and smart!


01-04-2010, 03:09 PM
I hope it all works out for you and your family...just try to stay positive.

01-04-2010, 03:45 PM
i feel yah!
am in same boat but with 2 kids,except mine hates me.
Good luck

01-05-2010, 07:35 PM
Best of luck to you bro, I just broke up w/ my girl about a month ago. She freaked out when she found a syringe in my underwear drawer. Needless to say I will never date a chick again who isn't also juicing. If it helps, you will always be your child's father, no matter who your wife dates. Just be the best role model you can be, don't let her make you feel guilty.

01-05-2010, 10:33 PM
yes,all my bitchs juice,