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01-07-2010, 02:18 PM
Anyone in here train in any form of Martial Arts? If so what school or team do you train with? I train with Team Nogueira. I also train sometimes with American Top Team.

I have studied Vale Tudo for a long ass time. Around 10 or so. I also train in MT forever and a day. Dabbled in Ninjitsu, BJJ, GR, and Gasp.. Pro Wrestling :eek: :D

I know I could never be a professional fighter I just loved the Martial Arts and always have.

01-07-2010, 03:13 PM
undisputed in downtown san diego!!!!or el cajon...

tigre fights for undisputed too

01-07-2010, 03:30 PM
Excellent!! I use to fight in point comps when I was younger, but I dont have the heart of a Fighter. If I don't have an ill will towards someone, I cant ground and pound him till he taps. I have no problems with submissions. I just cant beat the shit out of someone for fun. Fuckin conscience!!!

01-07-2010, 04:06 PM
Excellent!! I use to fight in point comps when I was younger, but I dont have the heart of a Fighter. If I don't have an ill will towards someone, I cant ground and pound him till he taps. I have no problems with submissions. I just cant beat the shit out of someone for fun. Fuckin conscience!!!

I grew up gang banging and shootin and gettin shot at RIP to many homeys so this is not my problem, my problem is my fucking stamina

pretend somebody is fucking with somebody in your family

01-07-2010, 04:22 PM
I grew up slangin but I never capped anyone. I did dodge from a few fatal shootings. Now I'm just a boring ol' regular guy who "use to be" from the streets. I enjoy my easy life with the Jewish fiance lol. However on the weekends I will hop in the 5.0 with the top down blastin Bone Thugs.... but thats about as G'ed I get now and days.

My stamina is great for my size, I alot of running up the stairs with a 45lbs vest on with 5lbs ankle weights works wonders for stamina.

01-08-2010, 09:17 AM
I train and teach at Gladiators Academy in Baton Rouge and Prarieville. I train with UFC fighters: Kyle Bradley(whose actually fighting Monday night on UFC Fight night), Rich Clementi, Alan Belcher, and Tim Credeur. Tim is my BBJ black belt and kinda like a big brother to me. He owns Gladiators Academy Laffayette and I go down there and train a couple times a month. When in San Diego we train at BJJ REvolution Dojo on the Strip. Thats Rodrigo Medieros' school. Rodrigo is Tim's black belt and onre of the best BJJ coaches in the world.
I retired from fighting about 2and a half years ago as the #7 ranked amateur in the world. I compete in BJJ and no-gi grappling now! Its a lot easier to have fun with it when youre not getting punched in the face on a daily basis!

01-08-2010, 09:30 AM
I train and teach at Gladiators Academy in Baton Rouge and Prarieville. I train with UFC fighters: Kyle Bradley(whose actually fighting Monday night on UFC Fight night), Rich Clementi, Alan Belcher, and Tim Credeur. Tim is my BBJ black belt and kinda like a big brother to me. He owns Gladiators Academy Laffayette and I go down there and train a couple times a month. When in San Diego we train at BJJ REvolution Dojo on the Strip. Thats Rodrigo Medieros' school. Rodrigo is Tim's black belt and onre of the best BJJ coaches in the world.
I retired from fighting about 2and a half years ago as the #7 ranked amateur in the world. I compete in BJJ and no-gi grappling now! Its a lot easier to have fun with it when youre not getting punched in the face on a daily basis!

Sorry guys!!! This is Warmachine that just made that last post. I just accidentally posted while my boy BPP was still logged in to my computer.

01-08-2010, 09:32 AM
i used to train MT but the trainer died a few years back was kinda of a fucked up thing he was from germany great MT guy idid a private lesson with him on tuesdays and thrusdays i left thrusda night and after i left he stayed to do some bjj and he died after i left. his cell phone called me friday morining b/c we talked about him waning me to come n o class on rida and spar with some of the guys so thts why i thought he called me riday but it was his girl sounded like i woke her up i told her who i was and that he called me she told me he was no longer ith us i was like WHAT she said he pasded away after you left last night that was really tough......i did that for 3years and did some bjj for about 4years haven't been back since i got divorced hrd to get the time. i want to get back there i love to fight but th class times make it hard for me to do it now...

the bjj trainer is a black belt and a collage wreastle guy and he is on me like a damn monkey i am 6'1" 250lbs and he is 5'8" 170 or so pisses me the fuck off i can tell you that.... maybe one da i will get back there....

01-08-2010, 09:33 AM
Sorry guys!!! This is Warmachine that just made that last post. I just accidentally posted while my boy BPP was still logged in to my computer.

Bump! You dumbass.

01-08-2010, 10:57 AM
I grew up gang banging and shootin and gettin shot at RIP to many homeys so this is not my problem, my problem is my fucking stamina

pretend somebody is fucking with somebody in your family

BLAST, where'd you stamina go? You're too young. Us older guy dont have any stamina so its 0 to 60 in .5 seconds. And if we don't get it done then, we're fcked.

01-08-2010, 12:32 PM
Damn alot of good people in here =)

Warmachine thats fuckin awesome. I wish I would have went down that path. I love BJJ, especially Gi trained. I can grapple all day long. I always enjoyed submission and grappling. I think because I was raised off of tradional martial arts, I have grown up with those morals of respect. I blame that on the fact that I can't ground and pound someone for competetion reasons. I have friends who make fun of me and call me a pussy all the time.

I have been with ATT for a couple of year at different locations. I like Charles McCarthy as an instructor. Teamn Noggy I started with 3 years ago. By far some of the best training I have ever done.

apbt thats just fuckin creepy as hell. That shit would give me the heebie jeebies.

01-08-2010, 12:59 PM
Damn alot of good people in here =)

Warmachine thats fuckin awesome. I wish I would have went down that path. I love BJJ, especially Gi trained. I can grapple all day long. I always enjoyed submission and grappling. I think because I was raised off of tradional martial arts, I have grown up with those morals of respect. I blame that on the fact that I can't ground and pound someone for competetion reasons. I have friends who make fun of me and call me a pussy all the time.

I have been with ATT for a couple of year at different locations. I like Charles McCarthy as an instructor. Teamn Noggy I started with 3 years ago. By far some of the best training I have ever done.

apbt thats just fuckin creepy as hell. That shit would give me the heebie jeebies.

You almost have to train GNP as an art of its own. I've had a lot of HS and college wrestling experience to help me with the control aspect of gnp and bjj, but it can also hinder you a good bit as well. Theres nothing us wrestlers hate more than being on our back and thats the basis of bjj!
You with the ATT school in Pennsacola?

01-08-2010, 03:19 PM
BLAST, where'd you stamina go? You're too young. Us older guy dont have any stamina so its 0 to 60 in .5 seconds. And if we don't get it done then, we're fcked.

i tihnk i have too much muscle and weight on my frame bro
im 5'8 220 i need to put up new pix

01-08-2010, 03:20 PM
You almost have to train GNP as an art of its own. I've had a lot of HS and college wrestling experience to help me with the control aspect of gnp and bjj, but it can also hinder you a good bit as well. Theres nothing us wrestlers hate more than being on our back and thats the basis of bjj!
You with the ATT school in Pennsacola?

hey bro i met the real war machine from ufc he fights for undisputed too

hes a punk asss kid

01-08-2010, 03:35 PM
i tihnk i have too much muscle and weight on my frame bro
im 5'8 220 i need to put up new pix

Takes a lot of oxygen to keep your body size going...

01-08-2010, 03:59 PM
I'm 5'7 238 @ 17 percent. I'm telling you bro best training I ever had for cardio was my Fire Academy training. Running stairs with weighted vests suck ass but work!

01-08-2010, 04:13 PM
I'm 5'7 238 @ 17 percent. I'm telling you bro best training I ever had for cardio was my Fire Academy training. Running stairs with weighted vests suck ass but work!

im 220 7% i can imagine your cardio issue bro i have a big one of my own

thats a big frame dog

01-08-2010, 04:36 PM
I will never make 7% Im lucky Im down to 17% My goal is 230 at 12% I would be happy lol

01-08-2010, 05:34 PM
hey bro i met the real war machine from ufc he fights for undisputed too

hes a punk asss kid

Tim Credeur actually gave me that fight name years before we ever heard of that guy. After Tim met him in real life, he said I should drop the name because that dude's a total fag. I'm pretty sure hes not with the UFC anymore, but thats not to say he couldnt still kick my ass!

01-08-2010, 06:28 PM
im 220 7% i can imagine your cardio issue bro i have a big one of my own

thats a big frame dogdon't forget all that oraltren you're running.i'm sure it has an affect on your cardio much the way tren ace does.i've been wanting to find a true real live balls to the walls MMA school in my area.not just for the fighting aspect but the entire workout as a whole.i guesss google could help,no?

01-08-2010, 06:46 PM
I have a link somewhere for a MMA Schools look up for any area. Ill see if I can find it. Yea I cant do shit whileon Tren. Im lucky if I can even workout and breathe inbetween reps =P

http://www.fightresource.com/ Found it!!

01-09-2010, 06:11 AM
Though not nearly as active as I had been... here in Vegas we have many great training camps. There's the Wand Fight Team gym, Extreme Couture, and Master Toddy for Muay Thai just to name a few. Lots of talented fighters and a great bunch of trainers. Vegas is a mecca!

01-09-2010, 12:25 PM
yea it seems vegas has became the mecca of training. there are not alot of places where i live i have to travel 2hr or so i don't have time to do that..

i liked doing bjj but would much rather stand and kick or punch you then roll on the ground with you......

01-09-2010, 04:43 PM
WarMachine were u recently in trouble, I've heard of a fighter that goes by that name tha recently got in trouble for dropping a bunch of dudes at some party in Cali...

01-09-2010, 06:13 PM
WarMachine were u recently in trouble, I've heard of a fighter that goes by that name tha recently got in trouble for dropping a bunch of dudes at some party in Cali...

Not me, bro. I havent been out to Cali since 07. I dont fight outside of the gym or in the cage.