View Full Version : Whatever happened to Gymace,JTP, and Samar?

01-11-2010, 01:00 PM
I'm sure everyone knows who I'm referring to. Haven't seen any news updates since the story broke, anyone know whats up? Have they had trials yet? found guilty of how many charges? Fines, penalties, prison sentences? Or all locked up somewhere "awaiting trial" and they threw away the key?

In case you've been under a rock for the past 2+ years...

They're the 3 major ringleaders of SSB who're all indicted on conspiracy to manufacture, conspiracy to distribute, manufacturing, distribution, and money laundering -among other things- in relation to one of the largest AAS busts in USA history.


01-11-2010, 02:18 PM
Man, I can't believe my Noonie-ism when I was on that board. For a couple years I was just as stupid as alot of people on there. I'm grateful I walked away unscratched.

01-11-2010, 02:31 PM
samar got popped in washington

gymace is on perol in san diego he was locked up downtown i tried to get the word to the homeys that a HUGE SNITCH was PC'd up but he was out already cooperating with tightbooty and other snitches

i still think gymace is in contact with some powder sources from india and china and working with feds

he tried to get potimus some dude from olm to solicit old buyers

i talked to gymace literally hours before he got popped

he forecasted it, i just thought it was a wierd thing to say

he said " i would nto be upset if somebody snitched on me in lieu of protecting their family"

i told him im a southsider and dont snitch so i dont agree or see eye to eye
next morning SSB crashed and everyones names showing up papers

jcp got popped in vegas

01-12-2010, 08:49 AM
I once posted a similar thread on M-F. In the past 8 years or so, I've been a staff member of a dozen of boards and since ORD, I don't even seen many of the fellow staff members or regular members of those boards anymore.

:mad: THAT SUCKS! :mad:

01-14-2010, 04:51 PM
I remember I was on the board when it was all going down. There was frantic and the shoutbox was light up. Fortunately I had nothing to worry about since I was not involved in their dealings. I was just a member on the board. A part of me still misses that place.