View Full Version : Running your own supplement store/line?

08-21-2010, 07:32 PM
anyone here involved in the supplement biz? I've been thinking about jumping on the bandwagon. I believe I read somewhere now that supplement companies recently have to be licensed so just anyone cannot go out and slap a label on creatine and sell it. anyone know of any good bulk places to buy raw supplements? I know of true protein, beyond a century, and one other I can't remember right off, but was wondering if anyone knew what mfg's the big boys (muscletech, bsn, etc) use. I am tied into a gym and I think I could move some supplements there with low overhead and operating costs. Any thoughts/input?

08-23-2010, 06:08 PM
i was thinking of doing this myself Boss.i knew a trainer at a gym i went to a few years ago that sold BSN exclusively and cheaper than GNC.i asked him how he was able to afford such low prices and keep his overhead low and wouldn't tell me.the place i go to now the owner is an amatuer competitor and has been giving me tips on how the biz is ran.i'm speaking with him him this weekend.if i get any info i'll be more than happy to pm you.

09-28-2010, 11:39 PM
My good friend owns a maxmuscle I can get u in touch with him if u want to pick his head

10-04-2010, 09:46 PM
I have alot of friends in the industry. I am actually about to jump in it myself. I am looking into where to buy certain bulk compounds as well. I already have the GMP processing facility ready to roll.

10-20-2010, 08:15 PM
I have alot of friends in the industry. I am actually about to jump in it myself. I am looking into where to buy certain bulk compounds as well. I already have the GMP processing facility ready to roll.Mutant,will you be carrying that gay lube oil or boy butter...?if so count me in as a stockholder,lol!!! j/k,don't eat me you beast,lol.

10-23-2010, 12:27 AM
For real world facts + pricing info to start your own line, feel free to do a search on the PM board. An excellent (and kinda lengthy) post was made by Jerkyboy a few years back on this very subject.

I hear he's a pretty smart cat


10-23-2010, 01:21 PM
i thought about doin this myself. the only thing in my area is a gnc :(

10-27-2010, 02:06 AM
Here's the short version:

You need at least 10k to start but 20k would be better.

Dont forget about Location, LOCATION, LOCATION!!

Last but not least, a form of steady income other than your store
or supplement line, one that will pay your lease for the first 2-3 yrs
as that's how long it takes a new biz to become profitable.

01-10-2011, 11:01 AM
I own one. Jut an FYI....IT's a pain in the ass to make money! Profit margins are not what you think. THere will be some products that will make you $7-10 gross. But then after you pay the damn credit card transaction fee, server fees, and all the other bullshit crap, it's a very very limited profit game. I remember my first online sale. I was doing flat rate shipping. I think I made like $5.00 on a product. Charged $7.00 Shipping. Well after all said and done actual shipping ended up being almost $10.00 Plus the transaction fee of the credit card shit. I think I figured for the one transaction I made almost $2.00! LOL

Also if your looking at an online based company,././......You will have to deal with 3 million others that have sites. Some are bullshit. Example......I sell superpump250 for $35.00 Most everyone else s sites are around the same. But yet there are a few companies that are at $23.00!!!!!!!!! Now....I know that's way below my cost! And you would assume that they are not buying cheaper than me! But what they are doing is peddling all the old post dated shit from these companies. They don't really tell you either.

Lets put it this way......I got in this to try and make a few hundred more a month so I can pay for some of my daughters medical supplies. I have never made enough to justify it really. If you have questions on any of it,...shoot me an email or PM me here.