View Full Version : so who here fishes fresh water?

10-01-2010, 12:45 AM
I try and go out on my little john boat 2x a week at least , my sons love to death and I figure its better then them just playing xbox on a nice day. The river I live near is funny last year I swear in 1 day you would catch 100 small mouth bass,along with crappie,wallie, and sometimes musky. But this year its like there gone the other day myself and my youngest son went out and he got 4 sm bass, I got 1 large mouth bass and that was it still had a great time with my son. Just funny this year its like there gone??? I think these chicken farms along the river in my town let that chicken shit drain into the river but who knows.
Last year I got a 1lb 11oz Bluegill,or sunfish I some call em diff names,a 4lb 2oz small mouth bass and thats big in my state for a small mouth bass. This winter though Im gonna be on a mission to catch a musky. So for the guys who bang the water where ya at?

10-01-2010, 10:36 AM
you in minn. or wisc.?

10-02-2010, 09:34 PM
nah down south

10-31-2010, 10:43 PM
It's been a hot dry summer. The fish are deeper unless it's dawn or dusk. Work the shade under willow trees or cover, let the lure hit the bottom and just bump it accross slowly. I prefer June Bug colored trick worms with 2-3 BBs 6" up the line... but I'm sure you have your favorite.

11-01-2010, 04:58 AM
To me freshwater is the only way. My buddy and I troll around in his 8 foot bassustracker we use rubber worms , each of us have a licky lure and usually have a new one to try out. We floated down this narrow creek cast under the tree roots coming out the sides, soon as my lure hit the water, BAM I get a hit this 4 pound small mouth put up such a fight, jumping out of water under boat, love it