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View Full Version : wtf kind of gym

10-05-2010, 04:14 PM
Today I went and trained legs with a buddy about an hour from my house at a golds that he is a member at. So him and I are doing deads in the rack from a little below knee, so its my last set and I was going pretty heavy and I guess I made a bit of a grunt or so I was told by the staff . A guy that worked at the gym said that there was no grunting or noise like that now I had my headphones on I dont even recall making any noise but the fact that u cant make any type of heavy breathing when doing lifts is fuking crazy to me. Its funny how gyms were founded on bodybuilding but now frown upon it and its all about the soccer mom. I wanted to slap tthe prick he weighed less then the fuking bar itself but wtf it just dumbfounded me its not like we were being assholes and yelling and getting all loud like u see some guys,u would think we were smacking each other to get hype or something lol. Oh well Im just gonna stick with my gym in the country where I dont think they would care if I trained naked .

10-05-2010, 04:46 PM
^ I would walk up to the front desk and tell them to cancel my membership, fuck that! Pussy ass gyms. That's why i fucking hate gold's gyms, should be renamed goldies.

10-06-2010, 05:01 AM
unfortunately all these gyms have been bought by bigger investment companies who had their teams do research into where the most money is made. And you guessed it, the mostmoney comes from middle aged women, seniors and the general fitness crowd. These companies also count on the fact that less than 10% of the members will show up in a given day, so now they made money off of people who aren't even using the equipment. As many of you know I work for one of these "fitness centers" and while I don't agree completely with policies, people also know what they are getting when they join. My advise is support your "mom and pop" type gyms because these are ususally owned by more hardcore type folks. I wish I had the time to train elsewhere but with an 18month old and a job that requires a decent amount of travel, I'm stuck training at work.

10-06-2010, 12:16 PM
hit the nail on the head ce. all about the money and what a crock of shit imo

10-22-2010, 10:50 AM
that sounds like some planet fitness shit, whats next at golds a lunk alarm

10-22-2010, 08:48 PM
my one gym is a $20 a month hole in the wall,literally,but you can work as hard and as loud as you want,the whole place smells like steel and sweat.i love it.my other gym's a little more modern with hammer type equipment and they've seen and heard me on some crazy lifts and have yet to bother me.maybe cause i clean off every piece of equioment i use,return all my plates and if it's almost closing time i offer to help the countergirl get things in order for the morning.gyms like planet shitless suck my slowly shrinking ball sack.they do however have the funniest commercial with Kai Greene signing his contract yelling the whole time while popping his pecs "BAM...BAMBAMBAM...BAMBAM...BAM.BANGBAMBANG"

10-22-2010, 09:24 PM
yeah i hear you bro. we have a planet fitness where i live = no squat rack, barely any freeweights, oh but they have a smith machine!! says right on their poster, anti-bodynuilding gym...no noise!! granted it's $10 a month but damn. i'm a pt at a local "dungeon" and i tell guys to leave if they're not making enough noise!! lol ridiculous...and any type of mma traing is out the window before you walk in

10-23-2010, 05:33 AM
I will say one thing about the owner of my gym, he is known for having the largest PF locations and 2 out of his 5(soon to be 8) locations have been in the top 10 of the company. He is a former world's gym owner(world's got bought by PF) and bodybuilder. He has always pushed the PF limitations to the max. He has 2-3 flat benches at all locations and 1-2 incline benches as well. His db go up to 80lbs and preset ez curl bars which is the franchise limit. he allows deadlifts but you have to stop the bar before it hits the ground( not really a terrible idea = constant tension on the muscle)
We could agrue all day that if you can put the weight down then you aren't pushing yourself hard enough but i do think most people drop the weights because they want you to hear it, look over and see how much they are doing. I've pressed 110lbs on inclines and when my set is over i bring the dbs down to my thighs then stand up and rack em or squat em to the floor. Using my method is safer for your shoulders too because you don't have that awkward momentum pulling them down to the floor. I think its more impressive to see someone control big dumbells then drop them. I'm sure I'll get blasted for this but that's they way i was taught to lift from day one.
Victor Martinez used to own a gym in brooklyn and he would train at Bev Francis' gym because you can drop your weights there. He says on the Battle for the Olympia dvd "I come here because I don't allow people to drop weights at my gym." Hmm, so when you're buying the equipment you don't want it abused because when it breaks it comes out of your pocket but you go to someone else's gym to do it?
How you lift is your business as long as it fits into the gym you go to, I'm not trying to put down people who do drop weights but i wanted to also express why i don't.

10-23-2010, 11:39 AM
good points jon