View Full Version : Apollo out of commission for a few days.

11-24-2010, 01:30 PM
I recently had samonella poisoning- then just 4 days ago- I caught some unknown virus that has had me bedridden for 4 days. Today is the first day it did'nt get worse. So, I'm not sending anything out for at least a few days. I personally feel that even though the symptoms of the samonella were gone- that it was still present and lowered my immune system and helped the virus be far worse. It's the worse virus I ever had. I feel like this past year has been the year all my bad kharma has come upon me. I've been sick more than any other time, lost 2 friends- just a shitty year. But I'm here- just not moving for a few days. Please understand? In a month I've had food poisoning, samonella and now this virus- WTF?

11-24-2010, 02:01 PM
I wish you a fast recovery and a happy thanks giving..

11-24-2010, 02:33 PM
Hope your feeling better bro!!!

You haven't had much luck this yr... Next Yr will be your YR!!!

11-24-2010, 03:21 PM
Thanks guys. I failed to mention that I busted my ass on a boat and hurt my back a cpl wks ago- the day after getting out of the hospital for Samonella poisoning. I've made alot of right choices lately to correct some bad ones- so I think you're right- this year coming will be a great year.

11-24-2010, 03:35 PM
Thanks guys. I failed to mention that I busted my ass on a boat and hurt my back a cpl wks ago- the day after getting out of the hospital for Samonella poisoning. I've made alot of right choices lately to correct some bad ones- so I think you're right- this year coming will be a great year.

Hope you get well soon, maybe i need to send you a care package! ;)

11-24-2010, 05:17 PM
got nervous when i first saw the title to your thread Apollo...!!this definitely hasn't been your year healthwise,has it?hope you get better.fast.talk to ya when you're feelin better.

11-24-2010, 05:29 PM
I hope all gets better bro.... Get some much needed rest and eat up, hope your get enjoy some turkey!!!!

11-24-2010, 09:31 PM
Get well soon.

bionic redneck
11-25-2010, 08:21 AM
get well soon

11-25-2010, 08:33 AM
Thanks guys! Today is the 1st day that I've actually improved. Fuckin Finally! I took nyquil last night and that shit knocked me the fuck out! I have a very low tolerance for that kind of thing.
Those decisions I was speaking of were mostly ones involving my family. Though, perhaps, if it were'nt for the discomfort created by those decisions- I would not have moved away from that discomfort towards the right ones.

So- I look forward to a Healthy, trouble free 2011. I know big things are coming business-wise for sure! Today, on Thanksgiving- I am most thankful for my immediate family. Especially my wonderful mate and wonderful mother of my kids. One of the best people I've ever known and not in a fake do-gooder kinda way either. So now that my undeserving ass finally woke up and embraced that- perhaps I will quit suffering as I have caused her to suffer. You know just being an asshole and treatin her like a dime a dozen bc I've always had an over abundance of ass. So I'm gonna hang up the cool guy hat and just be a dorky ole dad and grow old gracefully. Now that I'm over 40- time to just stop bein an over the hill studd/badass. I think you guys will find a more mellow Apollo from here on out : ) That is what this fucked up year has been really about for me; Getting me to this point so that I may enjoy longevity in the future. It has been a very humbling year. The only reason my business has continued to flourish is bc I have done right in it(my business) Now time to do right in my own life and by my mate.
Sorry to ramble.

11-25-2010, 02:25 PM
been there i have h pylori disease and gastritis and GERD

11-25-2010, 04:10 PM
Unfortunately that first sentence (below) applies to all of us. And if not now, (for your 20-something stud muffins out there) it soon will, trust me. One day we all wake up and realize there's LOTS MORE to this life than we thought.

"40 gets here faster than we think!" You know, like that Kenny Chesney song?

Anyway, my empathies for the unfortunate troubles + problems that you've endured recently. Sometimes life can beat you up, kick your ass, spit in your face, and knock you hard to the ground. All we can do is hang in there and realize that once it's finally over we're gonna be a lot stronger than we ever could have imagined.

Happy Thanksgiving friend, I'll say a prayer for you and your family.
Hopefully that'll speed things up a little bit ;)

So I'm gonna hang up the cool guy hat and just be a dorky ole dad and grow old gracefully. Now that I'm over 40- time to just stop bein an over the hill studd/badass.

Big Dan
11-26-2010, 11:43 AM
Bro i hope you get well soon!!!

11-26-2010, 10:30 PM
Here's to a great recovery A!!

11-28-2010, 09:34 AM
Ah, thanks guys. I'm doin pretty damn good- now. I'll be hittin folks back. Man I dont really attribute my troubles to physical age at all. So you young bucks out there dont even think about 40 physically. I mean if I had'nt let myself get out of shape a lil I'd feel not much different physically. And the only reason I fell on that boat was bc my dumbass was wearing an old pair of fake crocs that I knew better than to wear when it's wet bc I had almost busted in them 20 times before. But I was thinkin about too much other shit and just habitually put them on.
Yet I do have some stupid old man advice. It is this: Embrace self-responsibility & love and consider & look out for yourself and your fellow man- dont escape responsibility nor love through obssessions of any kind bc once you learn how easy that is to do(easier than responsibility and loving) it will become habit- perhaps addiction/dependency even. And those will destroy you slowly or quickly and physically or mentally or emotionally or spiritually.
Halleluya Amen- end of sermon- LOL!
FUCK 40's they aint shit! Physically- I mean. : )

12-01-2010, 05:14 PM
Unfortunately that first sentence (below) applies to all of us. And if not now, (for your 20-something stud muffins out there) it soon will, trust me. One day we all wake up and realize there's LOTS MORE to this life than we thought.

"40 gets here faster than we think!" You know, like that Kenny Chesney song?

Anyway, my empathies for the unfortunate troubles + problems that you've endured recently. Sometimes life can beat you up, kick your ass, spit in your face, and knock you hard to the ground. All we can do is hang in there and realize that once it's finally over we're gonna be a lot stronger than we ever could have imagined.

Happy Thanksgiving friend, I'll say a prayer for you and your family.
Hopefully that'll speed things up a little bit ;)i swear,i wish i could've read this post 20 something years ago,lol!when the so called "older guys" i worked with told me to enjoy it now cause before you know it you'll be 40 and not know where the hell the time went to.well gentlemen they were right 100%.
at 43 i now look back at all the fun i had,the good and bad times and sometimes i wish i could relive those days but due to my style of "cool guy" living,boning every girl in sight,fuckin tons of married broads,drinkin,fightin,just plain livin like there was no tomorrow cost me my whole future.my chance in my early 20's to compete in at least one contest,my career,my wife,the chance to have kids with her...i fucked that all up.soooo to all you 20 something studs out there,this is comin from a 40+ old bastard...enjoy it now cause before you know it you'll be 40 and wondering where the hell the time went to.

12-02-2010, 11:45 AM
hey apollo, i also said a prayer for you and yours. i know that you are good peps and wish you the best. hit a brother up when you have the time. i hope you get to doing better

12-03-2010, 12:04 AM
...enjoy it now cause before you know it you'll be 40 and wondering where the hell the time went to.

Amen Brother!

Hey Apollo,

still waiting for a review of that book I sent you (in the emails)

u know, when u get a chance..

Can u hurry? I got ants in my pants lol :D