View Full Version : my girl and xzanx issues shes killing me wtf

01-23-2011, 06:09 AM
She claims its so called anxiety but I've never seen it she fucking seems like all she does us fall asleep fuking passes out all the time. She's been Doing them for awhile getting them from a doctor but lately shell run out then ask me to give her cash so she can buy them from a girlfriend she has, so its becoming issue. When i bring it up she gets defenceive. After all the drama i just had helping a friend with a drug problem its bs she doesn't need them I'm getting so tierd of her and this shit. She's always down depressed and sleeping but it only started when she started going over board on these pills. I'm about to split over this shit i notice when she gets low she starts to freak the fuck out. So what would u all do she claims there us no issue so even when its brought up she gets to tripping and shit. She's a bitch when she is on them then but all nice cause she's forgotten how she was actting fuking knodded out and shit the shit changes her so much.ive said id leave if she doesn't stop but she hasent and i don't want to but wtf. I don't feel there us nothing wrong with catching a buzz but she stage fukd up. Any ideas? She's not gona do any rehab or anything so that's out.

01-23-2011, 06:43 AM
PM Bro

01-23-2011, 07:34 AM
pills are freaking horrible. doctors throw them at everything and this is what causes the problems

Big B
01-23-2011, 08:28 AM
pills are freaking horrible. doctors throw them at everything and this is what causes the problems

that's the pharmacy world...

01-23-2011, 09:12 AM
Just be done with her and leave her bro, way to many fine woman out there for you to have to put up with that bullshit. If she thinks there is nothing wrong with doing them, then more than likely its not gonna get any better anytime soon. And also if she is nodding out all the time, u sure its xanax and not oxys??

01-23-2011, 09:14 AM
Just be done with her and leave her bro, way to many fine woman out there for you to have to put up with that bullshit. If she thinks there is nothing wrong with doing them, then more than likely its not gonna get any better anytime soon. And also if she is nodding out all the time, u sure its xanax and not oxys??

wouldnt surprise me if it were both oc's and zanax.

01-23-2011, 09:45 AM
great combo to stop the ol ticker

01-23-2011, 11:29 AM
No its bars she will take like three a day so that's way she passes out i know its not oxcys forsure she had a pee test at her doctors the other week she does smoke bud but its getting worse, i do roofing and work my ass off ed to come home to clean and cook oh and walk the dogs. I know what i need to do just gotta get shit together.

01-23-2011, 11:56 AM
Bro, if thats what her mind is made up to do then i can promise you that nothing you do will change it...those pills like oxy and xzanx are very addicting...if you think you want to anything let all the people that love know whats going on and maybe there can be some intervention...depending on how long you guys have been together but synthro may have a point cause you dont need to deal with that...its nerve racking...

01-23-2011, 12:16 PM
ya..basicly shes addicted. thats how it starts. being on them for "anxiety", weeks go by and you can`t fuction without them. same with pain killer. you hurt you back, 2 weeks later you cant do anything without them.

01-23-2011, 12:17 PM
What sucks and hurts is that i do everything and when she's on that shit she's fucking mean and wakes up dosent remember and i didn't so all of a sudden I'm a dick cause i bring it up. I know i shouldnt but i feel like without me she wouldn't know what to do. She has lost weight only eats cereal at nite and shit which is hard i mean I'm into bodybuilding wtf. Thanks guys u guys know more of my biz than most people in my life,really thanks for the ear and listening to me vent its been a rough year.


01-23-2011, 01:11 PM
I think you are a top flight enabler you need to work on you and say Fuck all these others bringing you down. First its your friend now its your girl who you do everything for after working all day breaking your back. How long you been with her??? She will not change as long as you are there to catch her when she falls but if you dig out dont be surprised if she latches on to another. Thats what addicts do kinda like whos the NEXT sucka to do what they want like give them $$$ for drugs etc.... I dont mean to be disrespectful to you or situation sometimes we all need to hear the other side of things or different point of view. I see nothing but aggrevation,stress and heartache if you just let things go.

01-23-2011, 01:16 PM
ya..basicly shes addicted. thats how it starts. being on them for "anxiety", weeks go by and you can`t fuction without them. same with pain killer. you hurt you back, 2 weeks later you cant do anything without them.

Pretty much says it all...she has a problem alright and you're enabling her also so that's a problem too. I know what it's like to have been with an addict gf and it's not fun let me tell you. You'll end up bringing yourself down trying to help her. All that you can do is offer her help and if she doesn't want it then you have to start thinking about yourself which I know is easier said than done.

01-23-2011, 02:10 PM
Thanks and i agree, I've been with her for almost four years she's always been somewhat lazy but y'all are right i enable her too much i realize i can't make her into someone she's not. Tonight we're going to dinner and I'm just goin to break it down to her no matter how hard it is , I have enough stress as it is. I figure i have just enough cash to move and get on my feet if needed. Ur also right i did the samething with my buddy trying to help him and got walked on and enabled him as well. I've beat bad vices myself and changed my life and try and help people that don't want or arent ready to be helped. Thanks again for the advice like i said in another post that i think its time to be a bit selfish and concentrate on myself and my kids.

I think you are a top flight enabler you need to work on you and say Fuck all these others bringing you down. First its your friend now its your girl who you do everything for after working all day breaking your back. How long you been with her??? She will not change as long as you are there to catch her when she falls but if you dig out dont be surprised if she latches on to another. Thats what addicts do kinda like whos the NEXT sucka to do what they want like give them $$$ for drugs etc.... I dont mean to be disrespectful to you or situation sometimes we all need to hear the other side of things or different point of view. I see nothing but aggrevation,stress and heartache if you just let things go.

01-23-2011, 02:18 PM
You have to stop enabling her. If she is unable to listen about help/rehab then you may have to let her hit rock bottom. For some addicts, this is the only way they will seek help or be willing to accept it. I kinda went through the same with my ex. She IS bipolar 1 & 2. She never accepted treatment till our 3 year relationship went to hell, and I had to brake up with her. Sometimes it's best to cut all ties, as I did, to save yourself and that person.

01-23-2011, 02:21 PM
U guys probably think i live a soap opra with my threads,to be honest its a shame to say but most of my friends r dead,prison,or doing shit I'm not into so i don't have many guys to talk to anymore that's why i vent or talk about my shit so much. Old friends would rather lift some type of rec drug to mouth,nose,or vien then any weights so y'all gotta hear it lol sorry!

01-23-2011, 03:13 PM
U guys probably think i live a soap opra with my threads,to be honest its a shame to say but most of my friends r dead,prison,or doing shit I'm not into so i don't have many guys to talk to anymore that's why i vent or talk about my shit so much. Old friends would rather lift some type of rec drug to mouth,nose,or vien then any weights so y'all gotta hear it lol sorry!

Its all good and i think i speak for others who have responded. Wish i had some people to guide me or lend a helpful hint in alll the bullshit i went thrru. Stay strong she will most likely freak out but be prepared for the water works.

01-23-2011, 11:33 PM
Well dinner didn't go that well ill tell y'all in the am i gota get some sleep

01-24-2011, 06:36 AM
at least you stood up and tried to make things right bro. thats the most important thing

01-24-2011, 09:50 AM
I figure she knew it was comin long story and a bit of drama I'm on craigslist looking today at places i didn't want to leave her high and dry so i paid the rent for three months then its on her I'm trying to move asap so its not all stressful here. To be honest I'm excited i haven't lived alone in like 12years so now i can focus on myself and kids. Plus i really want to try and do my first show soon so I'm kinda pumped. Thank god i saved for a rainy day. Thanks again fellas no bullshit you guys really helped me make my mind up no point of wasting any more time if I'm not feeling it. Thanks for the push.

01-24-2011, 10:29 AM
I wish nothing but the best for you and your kids. You seem to be a really solid person so keep your head up things will work out.

01-24-2011, 10:57 AM
Any adult that assumes responsibility for another adult is robbing that ("helped") adult of their freedom through self-responsibility.
The question that you need to ask yourself is what are you getting out of it? Are you trying to show yourself &/or others that you are a good guy(person)?, control over anothers life in order to avoid responsibility for your own? I really dont care to hear your answer- I'd prefer not to. It is to yourself who you need to HONESTLY answer.
Co-addicts/co-dependents/enablers are in some instances just as sick if not more as the addict/dependent/enabled except they get to be under the false guise of good finger-pointing people. They can be using the addict to show how good they supposedly are. That finger pointing blame produces more shame onto the addict/dependent/enabled which is the fuel or at the root of addiction/dependence in some instances the very cause beyond physical addiction which comes about bc of shame.

A more directly true statement is: maybe no matter what you do you cant change her or even help her. Maybe you dont have the power to do so. Are you ready to accept that? Maybe you are'nt any better than her? And maybe it is you who needs to help you?
maybe letting go is all you can do and maybe the serenity prayer wisdom is the only thing you can change is yourself. trying to change others even through help is only prolonging their changing of themselves. And yes perhaps they would rather die than change and perhaps they will... or perhaps they will hit such a painful low that they'd rather change. It's their life not yours to do with what they will. Are you ready to accept that? if not- you nor her can be helped.

01-24-2011, 11:07 AM
not to rob on the thread but hows it going apollo?
and for you bluegil, right on bro, i got your back all the way up to show time

01-24-2011, 11:43 AM
she needs help and getting off of xanax can be real tough,Especialy if she's taking 3 bars thats alot. You need to sit down with her and ask her if she wants help in a rehab place if she says no then its time for you to leave her.Its time for enablers to stop enabeling.I know this would be hard for you but thats what has to happen to people who abuse drugs.

Big Dan
01-24-2011, 05:21 PM
Blue you have done the right thing by standing up to her. You cant have people around you thats not positive and gonna bring you down. I take lexapro for anxiety and depression not addictive and hell i only take them during the week so i dont kill anybody at work lol. But there is other drugs for her to take to help her problem, sounds like she just likes the feeling they give her. i have an Aunt that started like that xzanx , then to pain killers, then oxy and now to crack. But she dont have a problem... so she says. You cant help her unless she wants to help herself. Maybe by kicking her to the curb and good ol Bluegill want be there to catch her when she falls. Maybe she will wake up and see she has a problem. Your kids and you must come first!!!! You need all the positive support around you getting ready for a show, dont need no shit pulling you down. You are a good bro with a big heart. Dont let these folks like your girl and your friend pull you down!!

01-25-2011, 06:15 PM
Mad respect brother.

That is a very hard and selfless thing that you did.

Focus on you for now, stay single for a bit. Focus on your show.


All the best in your endeavors,


01-26-2011, 08:52 PM
they're worse than smack comin off them.i was on about 6-8 bars plus methadone years ago and once the meth was outta me it took about 3 months for me to "get right".havin the same problem now.i get anxiety so bad i wake up every night around 2-3am and shake,sweat and sometimes cry in my sleep.my girl found some i had,made me throw them out but i got more a few weeks later.now she says dump them AND the gear or i gotta go.anxiety attacks are no f-ing joke.i think i'm gonna die sometimes.
i've always had them but now they're just getting worse.good luck in helping her get off those things.wish i never took them...