View Full Version : pray for me guys

01-31-2011, 11:09 AM
all right guys old guns may be out of the bbing game forever. well here is how it went down. jumped on the old incline after doing my rotator cuff warm ups as well as my cable cross over warm up to get stretched and blood in. here is the protocal: 135x20 slow controlled full range pause at bottom and top. 185x20 same thing. 225x15 same deal. 315x12 same deal. felt good felt strong no problems. was going to bust out 405x8 and drop set down to 135. i have done this 100s of times bfore and i can go a hell of alot heavier. rep 1 slow controlled pause felt great. rep2 slow to the bottom pause 2inches up and pop let it back down then helped re rack it. my trainning partner heard it pop too. i felt electricty and a pull in my pec shoulder region. i immediately went to the bathroom to see the damage. i have a slight hole in my outside pec. i have zero bruising and it happened at 9 am. i have full range of motion can contract the muscle. o and no swelling. i know that it is at a minimum of a partial tear it has to be. the only pain that i have at this point is my front delt and in my arm pit a little bit.
ok guys let us drag out our prayer hats on this one. it almost brings me to tears because i felt so good at making my run at one of the national shows this year. i am supper supper bummed right now and i am hoping praying with everything in me that it isnt that serious. for now ice and motrin and a cpl weeks rest most likely

01-31-2011, 11:11 AM
oh yeah forgot to add in their. i shot 3ml of my cocktail in almost the exact spot where it happened. i know this is dumb but it is how i usually do things.

Big Dan
01-31-2011, 11:33 AM
Bro Im sorry to hear this but I will be praying for you very hard!!! Dont get to down brother keep thinking positive.

01-31-2011, 11:35 AM
Shit bro, it is too soon to say anything as far an injury goes.

Let us hope to God that the pop was just build up and nothing more.
Rest it up, heat it, freeze it....do whatever it takes and hit it back slow bro.
I know this is going to be a little depressing, but injuries are a part of this life.

Keep your head up big man! It is going to be ok!!


01-31-2011, 11:39 AM
...last time I heard something pop was 3 weeks ago, when I pulled the head of my trap and all the way down to my lower back. Shit hurts daily, I pop in a good 2000mgs of ibo, plus I hook up a hot pad to the affected area..it seems to be subsiding.

3 Months ago just weeks before the show, I popped my front quad flexor on the way up, while doing the leg press, and then my lower opposite back muscle just above my glutes on the way down----two tears in just one movement wtf.


01-31-2011, 12:06 PM

sorry to hear that buddy! But u better go get checked out, you might need surgery to fix it. If you don't it will heal incorrectly and never work right. Plus you'll always be able to see the hole in the muscle.


watch out man, IB (and/or any NSAIDs) are VERY HARD ON YOUR KIDNEYS! Not to mention only cover up the pain, they dont solve the problem. Sounds like u might need some surgery too.

If you're using high dose NSAIDs regularly, make sure to drink extra water and u might as well add Cranberry juice as well. Kidney damage is no fun trust me.

01-31-2011, 01:06 PM
Very sorry to here this Guns, I wish you the best and lets keep your hopes up till you talk to a doc about this. Old vets like me have been out to many times and there was always a way to come back brother.

01-31-2011, 03:52 PM
You have a full range of motion bro, that says a lot
I have had cramps that were more damaging
I am sure its nothing, keep ya head up and get it checked out

Good luck at nationals bro

01-31-2011, 05:27 PM
hey Mr G your in my thoughts and prayers.

01-31-2011, 05:52 PM
o Man .Good luck to ya.Give us a update in the AM .I know your aways on.

01-31-2011, 05:58 PM
Damn guns sorry to hear that I hope its just build up also and nothing more.

01-31-2011, 10:12 PM
Damn, sorry to hear about this. Good luck on recovering. Hopefully it isnt too bad

02-01-2011, 06:32 AM
had a good bro take a look. he worked in the ortho dep at the hospital. he says that about a 99% chance that it is a partial tear of the tendon and muscle both. got a medium bruise on the top of the bicep and a tiny one on the outside of the pec.

02-01-2011, 06:33 AM
thanks guys for all the kind words and prayers. now lets all hope we can get this bad boy healed up and it doesnt look to funky

Big Dan
02-01-2011, 08:29 AM
That sounds good brother, just take it easy my friend. Keep that head up and stay positive, all will be well. I will keep you in my prayers.

02-01-2011, 08:44 AM
this is great news big guy!! GLAD to hear about your good word.


02-01-2011, 01:35 PM

bionic redneck
02-01-2011, 05:22 PM
ur in my prayers sir

02-01-2011, 05:26 PM
had a good bro take a look. he worked in the ortho dep at the hospital. he says that about a 99% chance that it is a partial tear of the tendon and muscle both. got a medium bruise on the top of the bicep and a tiny one on the outside of the pec.

if you have a partial tear and dont get it fixed it will not heal right.
I partially tore my bicep 9 months or so and its still looking funky.
doc said it will not be back to normal without surgery.

02-01-2011, 06:45 PM
Wow guns!!! sorry to here this bro, I'll be prayin my man!!

02-01-2011, 09:57 PM
if you have a partial tear and dont get it fixed it will not heal right.
I partially tore my bicep 9 months or so and its still looking funky.
doc said it will not be back to normal without surgery.

Thats what I've been saying!

Hey Guns, why you being so stubborn over this? Go schedule a surgery and get this fixed the RIGHT WAY.

You might not care now, but I gurantee you'll have more problems 20yrs from now. You'll look back and think "I should have listened to jerkkiller back in my younger days. This darn arthritis and jimmy-arm..

Now I can't even jerk off correctly"

02-02-2011, 01:59 AM
damn bro so sorry to hear this take time off get better let us know if any of us can help. ull be in my prayers and just think in ur head no matter what nationals is still yours buddy you never know the mind is a powerful thing dont get depressed you seem like a strong good hearted guy so all will woork out just stay positive holmes forreal,keep ur head up ,pm me if ya need to talkl im there as much as you've helped me over pms im here 4 ya my man . now get some rest.


02-02-2011, 06:29 AM
thanks guys i really am glad to be a part of such a wonderful group of bros. well to give alittle info on how i am doing now: the bruising is almost completely gone now. the majority of the bruising was on the top of the bicep but i had a little bit on the outside of my pec. i think that it is going to be just fine.

02-02-2011, 09:49 AM
thanks guys i really am glad to be a part of such a wonderful group of bros. well to give alittle info on how i am doing now: the bruising is almost completely gone now. the majority of the bruising was on the top of the bicep but i had a little bit on the outside of my pec. i think that it is going to be just fine.

A+++ I love this post!


02-02-2011, 11:15 AM
i am def leaning toward it not being as severe as i was first worried about. i have full range of motion, only bruised about 6 hours after and the bruising has already began to fad already. this happened at 9 on monday. from all the accounts that i know of the pain was brutal, the had horrible disfigurement at the injury and the bruising was immediate and lasted at a min of a wk or so.

02-02-2011, 06:07 PM
u always have my support big dog !!!! ALWAYS! god blesss i keep u in my prayers but i pray to The Grim Reaper so it may not go too far

02-02-2011, 10:40 PM
What ever you do bro dont forget you have a tear and go back to lifting heavy. You can still come out of this looking good just be smart good luck my friend

02-03-2011, 07:21 AM
yeah man thanks for the input. i will give you a holler later on. i am going to leave my chest and shoulder alone for at least 6-8 wks and i am not training anything for 2wks. i feel pretty good today and the bruising has damn near disappeared. i am switching to ice and heat alternating today.

02-03-2011, 08:40 AM
Guns, it takes sheer determination to be able to walk away from weights for such a long time. EVEN though it is the best way to handle the injury, it is still VERY difficult.

I would die from lonelyness if somebody told me that I could not lift any longer.

Your current injury has opened a new perspective to and for me, and I hope that the guys on this site, are also learning from it.

Luv ya bro!!

I will PM you in the next day. Today I have a 13 hour day at work. :)


02-04-2011, 06:57 AM
thanks man. i really dont think it is turning out to be all that bad of a tear. it is still alittle swollen and tender but the swelling and bruise is almost competely faded today. i can put my arm above my head and have full range of motion. hell i only lost full range for a day. i am still definately not going to attempt to do anything with my chest or shoulder for at least 4wks or more. the majority of my pain has been in my shoulder. i had a good bro take a look at it and i hit a few light poses to see the damage. you cant tell anything other than a small indent on the outside kinda like phil health and some of the other guys look just not as big and deep

02-04-2011, 08:27 AM
FANTASTIC MATE!! ( I am not even bBritish and notice how I used "mate")

Very fortunate bro. Good things are coming your way!