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04-16-2011, 11:41 AM
I just had to laugh at this. If there is one thing that drives me totally nucking futs it religeon~

04-16-2011, 02:43 PM
That is amazing!!! I am actually very humored by this. But unforuntily all the devil worshipping, bible burning, baby sacrificing friends I know..... are either skinny as fuck, or look like Tom Arnold... not Gov Arnold.

04-16-2011, 05:07 PM
Saw this a long time ago. Cant believe it's still around lol

04-17-2011, 08:20 PM
I just had to laugh at this. If there is one thing that drives me totally nucking futs it religeon~

War, if you haven't already, watch Religulous with Bill Mahar. Bill tells it how it is, and tries to understand what is going through the minds of extremely religious people (and tries to understand how people can believe in things like the virgin birth, etc.)

I have nothing against people who are religious, I'm just simply not religious myself and don't see how the claims of some religions can be physically and humanly possible.

04-18-2011, 05:42 AM
I just had to pipe up here... I am a Satanist myself (since about 1995)

Fun facts about the Modern Satanist:
- We don't believe in god or Satan
- The only object in the universe we worship/revere is ourselves
- The single most important holiday for a Satanist is our own birthday
- Masses or rites are not done in praise of any deity, they are only done to focus one's will and psyche in an effort to produce a desired result (happiness, vengeance, love, power, success, etc...)
- The Book of Satan teaches that the "turning of the cheek" inspires weakness and self-hatred.
- "If a man slaps you on one cheek, smash him on his other"
- Rather than meek acquiescence and blind subservience to a "god", the Satanist OWNS and CONTROLS that which is his in the world. As no invisible god will be giving it to the "proper" folks later.
- No god and no Satan means there is no life beyond this one. Being kind and civil will spontaneously create a world of kind and civil people (a social contract of generalized self-preservation)
- With no god, Satan or life after this one, we are free to live our lives as the human animals that we truly are. Imagine, helping the elderly (not out of fear of retribution after death) but because our HUMAN conscience tells us that is simply the honorable and respectful thing to do.

We don't worship the Devil. The Black Mass (complete with hood and horns) is meant to ridicule and blaspheme the Catholic mass, which we see as part and parcel of most of the worlds woes.

And, of course, most Satanists, including Anton LaVey really, really enjoyed the theatrics of it all. Particularly how it infuriated Christians/Catholics at the time. His goal was to create an "anti-religion" that inspired people to THINK rather than pray.

It is a fascinating "religion" with such admirable goals as self-reliance, vengeance (righting the wrongs of the world), controlling people and the world (using the power of will, self-confidence, and sub-conscious manipulation to manifest your will.

Personally, I find Modern Satanism to be the most sane, just, realistic, and frankly, humanistic religion out there (and unlike Christianity, we actually don't drink blood during mass...lol. Sorry, cheap shot, but i had to).

Of course, being a true Satanist, I'm an Atheist anyhow, so what do I know :-)

04-18-2011, 05:44 AM
And Religulous with Bill Mahar was a laugh riot!!!!! GREAT movie!

04-18-2011, 10:25 AM
I just had to pipe up here... I am a Satanist myself (since about 1995)

Fun facts about the Modern Satanist:
- We don't believe in god or Satan
- The only object in the universe we worship/revere is ourselves
- The single most important holiday for a Satanist is our own birthday
- Masses or rites are not done in praise of any deity, they are only done to focus one's will and psyche in an effort to produce a desired result (happiness, vengeance, love, power, success, etc...)
- The Book of Satan teaches that the "turning of the cheek" inspires weakness and self-hatred.
- "If a man slaps you on one cheek, smash him on his other"
- Rather than meek acquiescence and blind subservience to a "god", the Satanist OWNS and CONTROLS that which is his in the world. As no invisible god will be giving it to the "proper" folks later.
- No god and no Satan means there is no life beyond this one. Being kind and civil will spontaneously create a world of kind and civil people (a social contract of generalized self-preservation)
- With no god, Satan or life after this one, we are free to live our lives as the human animals that we truly are. Imagine, helping the elderly (not out of fear of retribution after death) but because our HUMAN conscience tells us that is simply the honorable and respectful thing to do.

We don't worship the Devil. The Black Mass (complete with hood and horns) is meant to ridicule and blaspheme the Catholic mass, which we see as part and parcel of most of the worlds woes.

And, of course, most Satanists, including Anton LaVey really, really enjoyed the theatrics of it all. Particularly how it infuriated Christians/Catholics at the time. His goal was to create an "anti-religion" that inspired people to THINK rather than pray.

It is a fascinating "religion" with such admirable goals as self-reliance, vengeance (righting the wrongs of the world), controlling people and the world (using the power of will, self-confidence, and sub-conscious manipulation to manifest your will.

Personally, I find Modern Satanism to be the most sane, just, realistic, and frankly, humanistic religion out there (and unlike Christianity, we actually don't drink blood during mass...lol. Sorry, cheap shot, but i had to).

Of course, being a true Satanist, I'm an Atheist anyhow, so what do I know :-)


04-18-2011, 12:38 PM
Satanism is meglamania. I think its humerous as well to worship yourself. If there is one thing I do belive is you get what you give. A book I like says, " you will recieve the exact amount of inner peace that you bring into the lives of others". So when Im sowing discord and messing with peoples lives in a nagative way Im creating my own destruction. Its as simple as if I go shoot somebody for dis repsecting me, I am now forced into my own hell. Im either going to be living on the run, or in a box. So I saved face~ OH BOY~ we all create our own world by the way we respond to life's struggles...

04-18-2011, 12:45 PM
I just had to pipe up here... I am a Satanist myself (since about 1995)

Fun facts about the Modern Satanist:
- We don't believe in god or Satan
- The only object in the universe we worship/revere is ourselves
- The single most important holiday for a Satanist is our own birthday
- Masses or rites are not done in praise of any deity, they are only done to focus one's will and psyche in an effort to produce a desired result (happiness, vengeance, love, power, success, etc...)
- The Book of Satan teaches that the "turning of the cheek" inspires weakness and self-hatred.
- "If a man slaps you on one cheek, smash him on his other"
- Rather than meek acquiescence and blind subservience to a "god", the Satanist OWNS and CONTROLS that which is his in the world. As no invisible god will be giving it to the "proper" folks later.
- No god and no Satan means there is no life beyond this one. Being kind and civil will spontaneously create a world of kind and civil people (a social contract of generalized self-preservation)
- With no god, Satan or life after this one, we are free to live our lives as the human animals that we truly are. Imagine, helping the elderly (not out of fear of retribution after death) but because our HUMAN conscience tells us that is simply the honorable and respectful thing to do.

We don't worship the Devil. The Black Mass (complete with hood and horns) is meant to ridicule and blaspheme the Catholic mass, which we see as part and parcel of most of the worlds woes.

And, of course, most Satanists, including Anton LaVey really, really enjoyed the theatrics of it all. Particularly how it infuriated Christians/Catholics at the time. His goal was to create an "anti-religion" that inspired people to THINK rather than pray.

It is a fascinating "religion" with such admirable goals as self-reliance, vengeance (righting the wrongs of the world), controlling people and the world (using the power of will, self-confidence, and sub-conscious manipulation to manifest your will.

Personally, I find Modern Satanism to be the most sane, just, realistic, and frankly, humanistic religion out there (and unlike Christianity, we actually don't drink blood during mass...lol. Sorry, cheap shot, but i had to).

Of course, being a true Satanist, I'm an Atheist anyhow, so what do I know :-)

That really is the proper view of Satanism. I do think however though that due to whatever reason it does attract meglamaniacs like LeVey and creepy losers who use it to catapult there low self esteem. Basically the ones that I have know are ego maniacs wit ha low self esteem. They end up co signing each others BS and living in self rightous indignation thinking they are more enlightend than everyone else. That of course makes them very presumptious and small minded. The key for me is this when it comes to God or Religeon, Those that say they know, dont know, and those that know they dont know, know.

04-18-2011, 03:09 PM
I agree with warhead on everything he said. wtf? did I just say that? LOL!

04-18-2011, 03:11 PM
That really is the proper view of Satanism. I do think however though that due to whatever reason it does attract meglamaniacs like LeVey and creepy losers who use it to catapult there low self esteem. Basically the ones that I have know are ego maniacs wit ha low self esteem. They end up co signing each others BS and living in self rightous indignation thinking they are more enlightend than everyone else. That of course makes them very presumptious and small minded. The key for me is this when it comes to God or Religeon, Those that say they know, dont know, and those that know they dont know, know.

"All that I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates

Truer words were never spoken.

And yes, of course, Satanism attracts the creepy self-righteous creepy looser. Conversely, how many self-righteous creepy loosers are in EVERY church? Preaching their, well... lunacy?

Remember, Satansim is the only religion that not only does not proselytize. Becoming a member of the Chruch of Satan is a fairly difficult task. Far more are rejected than are accepted.

And, frankly, yes. I do feel that I am more enlightened than most others. Religious superstition does not rule my life or dictate my morality. Humanism, self-preservation, common decency, and respect for myself and the future of mankind does.

Gotta say, I really enjoy hearing the differing viewpoints in this discussion. A fair and open-minded discussion on such a sensitive and personal subject is refreshing (and quite unexpected). E-S rocks (but I knew that already)
