04-19-2011, 08:25 AM
What greater responsibility does a man have than to raise children/people who are responsible for themselves and that care enough about others to give of themselves (share themselves and of themselves) once they are self owned and responsible aka free. I'm sorry to all the guys in MC's out there but my kids...hell your kids....everyones' kids are the 1 thing more important to me than my brothers.
Certainly to me- kids are more important to me than juice or anything to do with it. Which brings me to this:
if gear is causing you to model explosive behavior or anything that harms your kids...hell if anything is causing that- 1st own it then either fix it or get your goddamn priorities straight and fix it or choose your kids over it!
Let me say that I have been guilty of this in the past and I have had to do this many times with many things: partying every once in a while, anger, intolerance(I have none!), bein mean to their mama, and even with having all my time in my business. The truth is I want to still be a womanizing whore that fucks and fights and parties and the whole 9 that i sickly enjoy but my kids have taught me the sacrifice of Love- not that "Love yourself- me me me" crap that modern education/media has put out as psuedo science in self-help/psychology. Govt. dictates it's schools' educatiopn and media and the very word govern means to control. The way to control is to divide and conquer and no greater way to divide families and people and therefore gain control over them than to teach selfishness and a bunch of self-serving individuals with the whole love yourself philosophy. Truth is love is about a free givinmg of yourself- including sacrificing of yourself for the greater good.
The goodness that your children bring or put into the world are of much greater importance for our species than is your selfish pleasure or ego boost or just any and all of your selfishness- just as the good you put out into mankind is greater than it.
I'm not saying become saints.
I am saying: if you caint blend it without effecting your childrens' best interests- make your choice your children and their best interest even if it means SACRIFICE. Because that is what lives on and determines the future and grows and continues.
Get that right 1st then if you wanna ad a lil vanity you learned from that magazine or be cool or badass or whatever your chosen conditioning or compensation for your conditioning- fine but NEVER at the expense of your childrens'...our childrens'...all childrens' best interest.

04-19-2011, 08:34 AM
Of course sometimes love might be an ass whoopin LOL! And I'm not say raise a bunch of ass kissing sissies' either. Men should be men and not EVER tuck away their balls given to them by nature(god..whatever). People should be what they are and give from that. Do not confuse what you are with who you are. What you are you cannot change- the creator(creative force) made that. Who you are is what you choose if you're free or maybe your conditioning and or experience if you're controlled by it. If you are- set yourself free- it's your responsibility.

And aside from the pholophical aspects- which you may not can see or comprehend through your beliefs or conditioned mind and therefore may believe otherwise and may need to argue about it
just use what you can use and take away this: MAKE AT LEAST YOUR CHILDREN YOUR PRIORITY.

04-20-2011, 05:27 AM
great post. Me and my wife were a little resentful of the change our son brought when he was first born. I didn't train for months and we never went anywhere or did anything remotely close to the lifestyle we had before. but as time has passed, our son is 2yrs old now, we have seen the changes in him and ourselves and the rewards of parenthood outway everything else. now i train for about 1hr 15min 3-4xweekand we do go to dinner or a movie or a comedy club every so often but by the end of the night we miss the little guy and can't wait to be home. More so than just saying it's all about him, i say it's all about US AS A FAMILY!!!!!

04-20-2011, 06:49 AM
Great post! As a mother, EVERY choice I make, I consider my child first. It is not about me anymore, it is about her. Sure life changed after my child but only for the better. We did the things we wanted to do before we had her, and I do not look back. Children are truly a gift and they bring you lefe not take anything away from you. So I am with you, if your child is affected in a negative way by the choices you make, then rethink whatever it is that you are doing.