05-19-2011, 10:01 AM
It seems I always have this thing about being in the wrong place at the wrong time~! Anyone else like that?

So Tuesday night I went bowling after I trained, I'm on a league. So after I was done my poor car was so dusty from the dust storms the last few days I went to go wash my car. Well, the carwash I go to sometimes, (usually I do it at home, but if sometimes its easier to go to the car wash! LOL) Ok so I get their pull into the stall I like to use, and I notice this kid leaning up against his car next to the vac's. Kind of looking frustrated talking to himself, cussing, pulling at his clothes, kind of wobbly, I knew something wasn't right with him, so I load the machine with some money and start to wash my car,…he starts walking around cussing more and more, walks around his car a few times looks in, cusses more, by then, I was thinking this kid is drunk, high or both!! LOL So he gets in his car, messes with music, I'm still washing my car but paranoid a bit,….so he gets out slugs the vac,….well I put the sprayer in its rack and got my house keys outta my car, and clinched them in my fist and went back to washing, I figured if this guy comes at me I want to be ready with something besides the sprayer. Well he goes back to wondering around his car, or staggering rather, and then starts towards where I am looks over, as he's walking and stumbling, then turns and goes back to his car, opens his sunroof and stays in there for a bit, then I seem this awful smell, which I later learned was some kind of rock or meth, something, but it smelled like ammonia or something, anyway he got back outta his car walked around again, started towards me and then all at once said "Oh shit", got back in his car, backed up of the stall, and then just laid into the gas peeling out, as soon as he got around the stalls on pulled on the streets, there was a cop right there on his tail, boom then another, and another, and another, and another, 5 cops in less than 5 minutes!! they pulled him outta his car and had him standing with his hands tied. So I was fished about then and pulled up to the vac area to dry my car, and pulled down to the end so I could see what was up. So I am drying my car, being nosey watching, and they are just ripping his car apart, pulling stuff out, and all at once this kid who could barely stand takes off running, oh and guess where, …yes thats right towards me!!! LOL I'm freaking cause one cop had a gun pointed towards that way while the other had one in hand and took off after the kid, and they are screaming at me "HIT THE GROUND", well hell I wasn't dropping down to the ground So I just sat down in my car, LOL, then they Screamed "don't move!" just then they grabbed the kid from the ground cause he tripped and fell! LOL I mean he was so high he couldn't walk and tried to run, made no sense!! LOL So the one cop who was screaming at me, walks over and asked, "You mind telling me what you're doing here?" I'm like what the hell, "I;m washing my car, what else do you do at a car wash!" He says"You mind if I look in your car?", I'm like and why do you need to look in my car? "I just need to look in your car!" I tell him that he doesn't have a reason, and I don't have to let him, then I'm getting pissed cause its like I was there doing something wrong,…anyway he's like lets look in your trunk, pop it open, I saw you get into your trunk after you pulled over here,…I said yes you saw me get some towels out to dry my car which is now getting water spots because you are in the way~! So I popped open the trunk,…well my bowling balls are in there, and a new one in a box, he's like whats in there? Whats in this box, opens its and he's like you r a pro bowler or what? Whats in these bags, I have a 5 ball bag, so he makes me open the bags, and of course he finds nothing and he won't, cause I was there to wash my damn car! LOL Anyway then this officer changes his tune and says I'm sorry miss, but you don't drive and look like the normal customer he washing there cars! LOL I'm like well what does the "NOrmal" customer look like, and what Do I look like?!!! JEEZE!! So I have to sign the witness thingy and agree if they want to question me I will allow it. The officer says You need to let your husband take care of the car and you not be out so late, especially alone! LOL I'm like yeah what ever. He's like aren't you married, I'm like what difference does that make? LOL Anyway after I told him no, his whole attitude changed. LOL Anyway I told him if you don't mind I'd like to finish my car and go home and have a shake! LOL
So that whole time they rip this kids car apart, there's even a helicopter circling the area. I mean there were 5 cop cars there, so this kid must have been using this place to do his business or something! I've been going to this car wash for a long time and have never seen this before.

Anyway so goes my being in the wrong place at the wrong time~!!!

Stay Strong~~!!!

05-19-2011, 10:43 AM
As long as your asafe

05-19-2011, 12:14 PM
wow ipl you need to be careful. i dont know which is more dangerous a stupid ass meth head or a cop trying to shoot someone. either one can and will ruin your day

05-19-2011, 01:37 PM
I wouldn't of opened my trunk nor sign anything to involve myself with that mess but that's me. I hate when cops try to get you involved in other peoples BS but You did the right thing no doubt Im just difficult like that lol.

05-20-2011, 11:23 AM
Conceiled weapons permit.... Get one and carry at all times... unless your a felon..):