View Full Version : hey guys

05-27-2011, 11:20 AM
let us all take the moment on monday to remember all of those good people who are down range that cant be here to celebrate this memorial day. we all also need to be thankful for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us to enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy today

05-27-2011, 07:43 PM
Love this thread guns. My appreciation and thanks go out to every single one of the men and women defending and fighting for our country.

05-28-2011, 09:10 AM
Remember the men and women who make this country what it is, giving it all up for the greater good.


05-30-2011, 10:35 AM
hey guys lets get this one bumped up today

05-30-2011, 02:24 PM
I don't like our government a damn bit!

But I'll definitely support our mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters/sons & daughters who've done what they've thought is best for this country and our way of life. I will pray for them, honor them, and always respect them.

Whether they are alive or dead, 18 or 95, full of life and energetic, or a quadraplegic who's living under a bridge somewhere (sad but true). I can't imagine what they've gone through but I will always do what I can to show my appreciation, support, and to thank them or help them in some way.

Those of us who are not in the military have no idea what they've been thru- albeit mentally, physically, and emotionally. Nor would most of us want to.

Too many of them are forgotten about in the cemetaries, glanced-over at the side of the road asking for handouts, or ignored when standing in line next to us at the grocery store buying groceries for their families.

So how about today, Memorial Day, one Mutha Fucken day of the year, let's all go out and say THANKS to these people.
Go put flowers on a grave, shake their hands, give them some food, a pat on the back, whatever it takes to put a smile on their faces.
Anything, to let them know they're appreciated and we owe them everything.

I will, will you?

05-30-2011, 04:09 PM
thank you very much jk that is exactly what this day is all about bro

05-30-2011, 06:56 PM
Absolutely. I have some friends in the military now and not only think about them today, but everyday