View Full Version : Lier, Lier, Pants of Fire

06-11-2011, 01:09 PM
I have been try to get this tech to finish up his job and set up some video ports for me.I have talked to him 3 times on phone.So yesterday I call the owner of the bar.There is 2 owners.
I talk to the owner I have not yet talked to.Asked him if the Tech has been in to finish up?This owner does not know what is going on?He tell me he will call there tech to see whats up. I give him m Cell # and he says to me Ill call you back after I call the tech.
So last night before dinner The Company I work for calls and asked whats up with the job I tell them I waiting for the tech to finish up and a phone call from him.I tell them I talked to the owner earlier and he we get back to also.
then I told from the company I work for the Tech said I have not talked to him at all.I say he is a lair.So Monday Morning I get to meet this cat at the Job.
This Cat really has got me going about the lien . I really wish this was not work related so I could fuck with this guy for sure.I think I am still going to mess with him after he sets up his ass backwards work around.

Just Rambling on :mad:

06-11-2011, 05:13 PM
hey geezer you should take your phone records in to fuck with him and the company. be like who is the jack ass now buddy? i hate dip shits like that especially when they make you look like you werent doing your job