View Full Version : bluegill

07-13-2011, 05:12 PM
just a word of note...if you're the person,no one in particular,who keeps sending me e-mails to an addy i don't even use and telling me you know i'm bluegill go fuck yourself,your mother the whore,your father-if you know who he is-and any of your family.if you think i'm bluedick then step up to the plate and bring it out in the open douche breath.i'm not one for confrontation but lemme tell you ni***,you're rattlin the right gorillas cage if you want some work tough guy keyboard killer.you're a fucking moron.bluegill's banned for a reason...cause of the sneaky type of shit he does.soooo in order for you to have the addy i give to people i don't associate with cause i hardly use it can only mean one thing.you're a faggot...you spineless twat no dick havin dustflap coverin buttnugget lover...
you guys down at the lab must really be bored to death.find someone else to bother,k...?like rec dealers or child molesters,women beaters,mafia tough guys,bloods,crips and the whole shitbox of animals they hang with.do your jobs...but leave innocent people alone prick licker...!!!!

07-13-2011, 05:29 PM
if i am not mistaken you were here years before that yahoo popped up

07-13-2011, 05:35 PM
rocco is probably the most trustworthy and cleanest person i know on the boards.....that's a fucked up accusation in those emails

07-13-2011, 06:05 PM
it's def LE thinking since they got his comp they'd go thru his e-mails.i know it.look,he pm'd me and said he had something to talk to me about but i don't really know him and also heard from other members what he was about so i gave him an addy i don't even use.in fact i almost forgot until this weekend i had it opened,which i just closed.he e-mailed me but spoke of nothing important to me so i just nixed it off.never heard from him again.how else would someone get that addy if i never gave it out.LE went thru his file,to which i could give 2 shits about cause i don't do anything illeagal to start with,and figured they'd try and snag someone.you gotta read them."if you're such a big guy on the boards then what's your handle,what's your name,where you from tough guy,huh/man up and get some balls.i know your true identity." shit like that.the old bait-n-wait trick.fuck them and fuck whoever thinks i'm him.i don't involve myself with recs,don't talk to people i don't know/trust and i don't break the law sooo officer,if you've got nothing better to do after roll call go hit up Dunkin Donuts.go get an iced coffee.tell 'em put it on rocco's tab you pricks...taxpayers hard earned money at its best.go after the animals in the projects on the corners and pop them if you're the tough guy.grow some balls fag ass beeyotch.those dudes would wipe the cop-spot with your body.i'll bet you were the kid in grammer school who never got to taste cartoned milk...cause your ass got his fitty cent took from him on a daily,am i right?
never kissed a girl cause you were/are a fag,am i still right?but now you've got that instant penis extender,your Glock 9mm or your Sig-Sauer-what i used to carry-and now you're a tough guy.still stupid and not too street smart but i'm sure you know that when you go home,get drunk,kick the dog and beat your wife,if she's home and not out getting boned in the shitter by some 11" black mamba coc-pipe that you couldn't bust on the corner.gettin mad yet/keep f-in with me turd tapper.did i mention go fuck yourself...?
i may not be the biggest guy in tha house,the most knowledgeable guy on certain subjects but one thing i'll take to the grave with me is my moral compass and my integrity.never kicked a brother when he's down and never beat one person.ever.got that assclown?ever.i work for a living and am completely happy with what God allows me to have now.go get a hobby besides jerkin off to gay porn...

07-13-2011, 06:17 PM
just a word of note...if you're the person,no one in particular,who keeps sending me e-mails to an addy i don't even use and telling me you know i'm bluegill go fuck yourself,your mother the whore,your father-if you know who he is-and any of your family.if you think i'm bluedick then step up to the plate and bring it out in the open douche breath.i'm not one for confrontation but lemme tell you ni***,you're rattlin the right gorillas cage if you want some work tough guy keyboard killer.you're a fucking moron.bluegill's banned for a reason...cause of the sneaky type of shit he does.soooo in order for you to have the addy i give to people i don't associate with cause i hardly use it can only mean one thing.you're a faggot...you spineless twat no dick havin dustflap coverin buttnugget lover...
you guys down at the lab must really be bored to death.find someone else to bother,k...?like rec dealers or child molesters,women beaters,mafia tough guys,bloods,crips and the whole shitbox of animals they hang with.do your jobs...but leave innocent people alone prick licker...!!!!

Rocco- meet me for a drink and let's get gang banged by the 3 or 6 prostitutes we buy and then i can verify you're not bluegill-LMAO! as I've seen him in person. But rocco- you cannot crossdress during the gang bang!

Rocco- i'm gonna pm you bro.

07-13-2011, 06:30 PM
awww man,that's my favorite part,lol...! i only do it for the money.it's only gay if you do it and like it,that's what my boyfriend told me...

07-13-2011, 07:26 PM
LOL! sick fuck! LOL!

Guys Rocco and me have spoken before a cpl of times and once was near a yr ago. He is NOT bluegill. That's all I know. That i'll say out here. Any questions?
PM me.

07-13-2011, 07:39 PM
Rocco is as straight as they come.. no pun intended lol
Thats fucked up rocco, but you know everyone knows what kind of guy you are. Fuck whoever it is.

07-13-2011, 07:49 PM

07-14-2011, 12:22 AM
any size iced coffee at dunkin donuts is .99cents buts its only from 3pm-6pm ;)

dont worry about internet tough guys rocco, theres too many of them

07-14-2011, 08:43 PM
thnx guys...good to know i've got solid people backing me up.where and how this started i've no clue.alotta haters out there.i can name dozens.when your integrity and word as a man is all you've got it tends to hit you hard when challenged.

07-15-2011, 12:58 PM
Rocco is as straight as they come.. no pun intended lol
Thats fucked up rocco, but you know everyone knows what kind of guy you are. Fuck whoever it is.

I agree rocco is one crooked bastard lol. If your a scumbab like blueballs then im a dog who cant lick his nutz. Dont sweat it to much roc.

07-15-2011, 05:24 PM
What went down with that guy?

07-15-2011, 06:34 PM
don't rally know x.one day i checked my safemail accnt and got a message from someone i never heard of saying "back to your old ways you scumbag bluegill.'i tohught it was a joke but he kept sending me bg's name and addy in philly saying he's gonna get me.i told him i'm sure you got the wrong addy.then i thought about it.i only gave that certain addy to bluegill right before he got popped so how would a "bro" get a hold of it?it's LE tryin to get me trapped off,which they can't cause i never spoke to him about shit or did anything with him.now he stopped calling.he kept asking me for my handle tho and where i'm from so right away i knew it was LE fishing for info.morons...hasn't bothered me in a few days but i think the addy's closed now as i requested to them.

07-15-2011, 09:55 PM
don't rally know x.one day i checked my safemail accnt and got a message from someone i never heard of saying "back to your old ways you scumbag bluegill.'i tohught it was a joke but he kept sending me bg's name and addy in philly saying he's gonna get me.i told him i'm sure you got the wrong addy.then i thought about it.i only gave that certain addy to bluegill right before he got popped so how would a "bro" get a hold of it?it's LE tryin to get me trapped off,which they can't cause i never spoke to him about shit or did anything with him.now he stopped calling.he kept asking me for my handle tho and where i'm from so right away i knew it was LE fishing for info.morons...hasn't bothered me in a few days but i think the addy's closed now as i requested to them.

So he got popped?

07-16-2011, 06:26 AM
from what i know of bluegill supposedly got pinched for having "aas amps" but people that know him say the kid doesn't even look like he works out plus i knoe he was heavy into pills and all so problly was under the influence,gets pulled over and thet found the amps on him.that's my guess but i do know he was locked up for a minute or so.i assume they got a hold of his comp and pulled info off of that...idk,whoever it was seemed to have stopped bothering me ever since i posted this up that's all i care about...