View Full Version : 7 year old bully girl

08-31-2011, 08:13 AM
There is a girl that my daughter goes head to head with at school. They are both very competitive. Well yesterday, this little girl punched my daughter in the chest. My daughter was upset and did not hit her back. We have always told her to defend herself no matter what, but I think she was just surprised.

It is a little disturbing to me that at 7, girls are acting like that. This little girl had detention in first grade all of the time.

This girl's dad is also a cop in the area so she brags about that often. I don't care if her dad is a cop or not. Sometimes a cop's kids can be the worst. I just want my daughter to stay away from her. God forbid when they are teens. If my daughter decides to lash back, I feel sorry for the girl. My daughter has been in martial arts for 3 years and she has some fast kicks and powerful punches for a girl.

08-31-2011, 09:09 AM
Tell her to stop and tell a teacher. If it happens again then hit her right in the mouth.

Might sound harsh but my father told me to do the exact same thing when I was her age and I did, bloodied his nose pretty bad. Yea I had my parents called but my dad told the teacher that hadn't done anything abt it and it continued so I had to take care of it.

Or you could tell her to do what my brother did which was throw a kid across a classroom table after the teachers did nothing for months. And this was at a private school and the bullies father was a member of the board. Kid never messed with my brother again.

So there you go, one "violent" way and another more defensive type of reaction.

If these kids arent goin to be set straight at an early age then it will only get worse.