View Full Version : Your recommended book on training, nutrition, healthy lifestyle etc

09-22-2011, 06:29 AM
I really enjoy reading, and learning, about training, nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. There are 2 specific books I recommend, but are more geared towards women. Although, some things in there apply to men as well they are:

Suzanne Somers "Ageless"
An excellent book on how hormones change as we grow older and how important it is to supplement with all hormomes, she promotes using bio-identical hormones in her book.

NROL for women (New Rules of lifting) There is NROL for men too
by Alwyn Cosgrove

Anyone else have some good recommendations for books?

09-22-2011, 08:49 AM
None just years and years of reserach and experimentation. Its like when the newbies come to me with the Anabolics 2000 whatever - Theres nothing in that book that I find uselfull or that I havent known for years- I want to spit in the pages everytime I see it shown to me

09-24-2011, 07:19 AM
Looks like this may be a good book.

Ripping Principles
You must deplete your sugar reserves before you can tap into your fat reserves.

In his book The 7 Principles of Fat Burning, Eric Berg, D.C., describes the fat-burning process eloquently: “Adipose tissue is only used when absolutely necessary—after the sugar fuel as been exhausted. The body always uses stored sugar or dietary sugar as energy before tapping into fat fuel. That’s the principal reason people aren’t losing weight. Most of them are running their bodies on sugar fuel. You must deplete your sugar reserves before you can tap into your fat reserves.”

That’s the main reason you should do some moderate cardio after your weight workout, when you’ve burned off all the sugar in your bloodstream. It’s an ideal time to tap into bodyfat for fuel.

—Becky Holman

09-25-2011, 08:08 AM
i usually like to read anything diet related written by Chris Aceto.

09-25-2011, 08:47 AM
building the perfect beast.
precontest bible( more for entertainment than use)
the anabolic diet

if you guys are looking for a library of great books on bbing and healthy living check out homegymwharehouse.com(check spelling or google it) they have a million different books

09-27-2011, 12:09 AM
I like Encyclopedia of a bodybuilder by Arnold. I always read that book every few years or so

09-27-2011, 07:17 AM
I bet some of you could write your own book.

09-27-2011, 10:54 AM
I love the arnold book! Soooo much info from newbies to competitions. Its got it all

The IM Troll
09-27-2011, 02:47 PM
Burger King menu good read yes good

10-06-2011, 07:05 AM
Anyone read this author's books?

Unquestionably, the most popular anatomy books for bodybuilders are those illustrated by Fredéric Delavier. His Strength Training Anatomy was the first book published by Human Kinetics to have sold more than 1 million copies. Delavier followed up that work with the fully illustrated Strength Training Anatomy for Women and most recently The Strength Training Anatomy Workout. I have all of them in my personal library.

Delavier knows anatomy and knows weight training. He studied morphology and anatomy for five years at École des Beaux-Arts, a prestigious art school in Paris, and also studied dissection for three years at the Faculté de Médecine in Paris. Delavier was the powerlifting champion of France as well and contributed to Le Monde du Muscle and Men’s Health Germany, and he was the editor in chief of the French magazine PowerMag.

Instead of memorizing isolated muscles and bones and other anatomical structures—or studying cadaver dissections—a personal trainer will get a much better understanding of anatomy studying Delavier’s books, as they use real-world examples of functional movement.
books recommended by Charles Poliquin