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06-23-2007, 11:21 PM
I just wanted everyone to know


Especially Rosey O'Donal.

Man, she is just a fat bitch that hates america.

If i was not illegal I would probably spend the better part of my day hunting them down and killing them all.

some reasons why I hate fags

More than 10% of fags in major U.S. urban areas are infected with HIV. To this day, they still make up more than 50% of reported AIDS cases in the United States

Fags got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence". Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress").

78% of fags are affected by STDs

50% of suicides can be attributed to fags

Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles were victims of homosexuals"

Judge John Martaugh, chief magistrate of the New York City Criminal Court has said, "Homosexuals account for half the murders in large cities"

50% of the calls to a hotline to report "queer bashing" involved domestic violence (i.e., fags beating up other fags)

Those are some of the reasons that I hate fags.


The infromation was taken from this site (http://www.godhatesamerica.com/ghfmir/fags/fagfacts.html)

miss diesel
06-24-2007, 07:41 AM
I'm not prejudiced against any kind of people.

Dick Tease 6
06-24-2007, 08:23 AM
whoa this guy must of been raised in Nebraska by his shit kickin father.
Take this shit somewhere else man. you sicken me.

06-24-2007, 08:34 AM
I dont hate them but i dont really know any or go out of my way to hang out with any. "half of all murders" I call total on that one.....

06-24-2007, 02:05 PM
I dont hate them but i dont really know any or go out of my way to hang out with any. "half of all murders" I call total on that one.....

I think that the half of all murders if it's a real factual number and not in inflated one means more likely their the victims of half of all murders, not the perpetrators.
Now I don't condone or agree with bashing or hating an entire group of people... but imo experience I know a few people that are gay and their no where near hostile, or disrespectful. But i'm sure there's a few in that group who are. Every group regardless of race, origin or whatever have bad seeds in it. Hate those not the entirity.

06-24-2007, 03:27 PM
whoa this guy must of been raised in Nebraska by his shit kickin father.
Take this shit somewhere else man. you sicken me.


06-24-2007, 05:43 PM
Well said PECS...I agree that every group has it (group) of assholes.

I can agree with the Rosie comment though...Fucking Bitch!

I have a lot of friends that have come out to be Gay. I say a lot (3). To each his own Bro...I know that none of them would ever try to hit on me or anything like that. They're cool Guys and keep their private life to themselves.

06-24-2007, 09:48 PM
i personally have no problem with them unless they do that shit in public like kissing and what not. Whether its how they are born or how they choose, thatis their business.

06-25-2007, 02:10 PM
Live and let live I say. I got enough going on in my life than to worry about what other people are doin...or doin it with

06-25-2007, 02:20 PM
Live and let live I say. I got enough going on in my life than to worry about what other people are doin...or doin it with

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment.

06-25-2007, 07:19 PM
This guy needs his head checked especially posing as a doctor. I would say divine intervention but the site says in plain English "go hates fags" Please someone help this guy get help.

06-25-2007, 10:54 PM
Here, here!

06-26-2007, 10:30 AM
75% of all Gay bashers have Homosexual tendencies and lash out at gays to help them deal with their guilt.:p

On another note I can't stand Rosie O'donnell either but it has nothing to do with the fact that she is gay,she is a slob.


miss diesel
06-26-2007, 01:46 PM
I hate it when people are discriminated.

06-27-2007, 04:11 PM
I think that the half of all murders if it's a real factual number and not in inflated one means more likely their the victims of half of all murders, not the perpetrators.
Now I don't condone or agree with bashing or hating an entire group of people... but imo experience I know a few people that are gay and their no where near hostile, or disrespectful. But i'm sure there's a few in that group who are. Every group regardless of race, origin or whatever have bad seeds in it. Hate those not the entirity.

Well put - AMEN - Brother!:)

06-29-2007, 08:31 AM
do you have any idea who the people behind that website you got your "facts" from do??

the westboro baptist church is all a bunch of people in the same family, aside from just protesting that god hates fags in public...

they go to funerals of dead US soldiers with their shit.... a fucking soldier who gave his life so fucking inbred pieces of shit like this actually are allowed to exist and say what they want.

if they had any appreciation for the sacrifices soldiers made to let them operate, they wouldnt be doing that shit.

and of course our tax dollars get wasted when police show up to protect them against any violence.

they sit there and spew their rhetoric about how we are at war and soldiers are dying because we are tolerating homosexuality. they arent even protesting against people fighting for gay rights most of the time, if you "dont care what someone does behind closed doors as long as you dont see it"... then your no better than the fags in their eyes.

they believe every accident or natural disaster is god punishing us for tolerating homosexuality... no lie.... you got friends or family that died in 9/11, these people will say they deserved it becuase we all arent fighting the scourge of homosexuality.

here watch this, these fucking nuts hold signs up that say thank god for 9/11, dont pray for dead soldiers, thank god for IED's and dead soldiers.... because it is gods wrath for our society not obeying the law of god.

IF THESE PEOPLE WANT TO FOLLOW THE LAW OF GOD SO STRICTLY, they should get the fuck out of the usa and find a country that is as closeminded as them. i hear they've got plenty of vacancies in syria, iraq, iran, lebanon etc.

100 members in their church, and its all their family lol


06-29-2007, 08:43 AM
watch this, they dont mind disrespecting our country and troops, or the people in our country who died during 9/11 and other tragedies, because its gods will punishing us with his wrath until we all actively fight homosexuality.

but here they've got no fucking problems using our law enforcment officers to help escort them into a van and drive off before a window gets smashed out when they thought they were safe from the big angry mob.

thats right, the cops escorted these people from their little protest when hundreds of people started to close in and werent intiimidated by a handful of cops, so the cops shuffled them off into a bus like they were their own private security crew!!! look at them run and hide whining like pussies when they realized that their luck might have run out that day and their standard police protection wasnt enough to keep an angry mob at bay (yes the cops protect them cuz they would get the shit kicked out of them, they sure love that first amendment freedom!)

you can even hear the pitch in their voices change, they arent so courageous and righteous anymore... only when their LE protection is enough to intimidate the crowds full of probably mostly pussy ass liberals and hippies.

i bet that day they got a handful of vets and bikers who werent afraid of a handful of cops if they made a move and worked the crowd into aa frenzied riot. cant wait til that happens and the cops cant control it and this family isnt reproducing and brainwashing their kids anymore.


06-30-2007, 06:28 PM
just the thought is very disturbing:confused:

07-04-2007, 10:03 PM


07-13-2007, 01:39 PM
I think that the half of all murders if it's a real factual number and not in inflated one means more likely their the victims of half of all murders, not the perpetrators.
Now I don't condone or agree with bashing or hating an entire group of people... but imo experience I know a few people that are gay and their no where near hostile, or disrespectful. But i'm sure there's a few in that group who are. Every group regardless of race, origin or whatever have bad seeds in it. Hate those not the entirity.

Well said, Pecs.

Dr.Max: I strongly prefer to not see hate speech on the boards. Your numbers are not even remotely accurate. STDs, violence, abuse, etc. affect all groups of people, not mainly gays, the vast majority of whom are good citizens, just like most people.

07-25-2007, 04:20 PM
I think that the half of all murders if it's a real factual number and not in inflated one means more likely their the victims of half of all murders, not the perpetrators.
Now I don't condone or agree with bashing or hating an entire group of people... but imo experience I know a few people that are gay and their no where near hostile, or disrespectful. But i'm sure there's a few in that group who are. Every group regardless of race, origin or whatever have bad seeds in it. Hate those not the entirity.

I agree. Good post, E-S ADMIN.

I can honestly say that years of growing up and maturing have allowed me to understand people, not just any generalization of people, are. When I was younger, I remember my dad often protesting homosexuals and, of course, I believed what my parents believed. As time marched on and I began hating more different groups. Foreigners, for example and especially Africans, because the many that I met in college would use American women to marry in order to get their visas to continue attending college. But I learned as I matured that not all foreigners are like that. It pretty much took me to work with an African guy to learn this, same with homosexuals.

Be it sexual orientation, political, religion, or anything in life, my greatest hate is for people who try to force others to believe or accept their ways of life. For example, in 1993 and in the midst of a great sitcom career, Amanda Bearse became the first woman in Hollywood to publicly admit to being gay. Despite coming out at that time, she never once suggested changing her character's sexual interest on the show, "Married With Children". Amanda played the part of Marcy Rhodes/Marcy Darcy, a sexually addicted neighbor of Al and Peg Bundy. After her public admission, the show continued to succeed.

When Rosie O'Donnell publicly admitted her homosexuality (although society had its suspicions), instantly she began making changes on her talk show. It seems that once she made it public, her magazine failed and her show, although she had scheduled to end it, began losing ratings.

Ellen Degenerate did the same thing. Once she made public that she was gay, she decided to change the character on her sitcom. Instantly, the ratings dropped and the sitcom failed. Sadly, they have made more attempts to give her another chance at sitcoms and talk shows but to no avail.

Lastly, there's the reality show, "America's Next Top Model". On that show are two worldly known homosexuals that go by the names, "Mr. J" and "Miss J". Mr. J is a cool, down to Earth guy who makes the show interesting to watch. But Miss J goes all out of his way to as dress flamboyant as a high class female stripper and act a complete ass.

07-26-2007, 01:17 AM
i must be in the minority here, but i thought it was, at least, slightly funny. statistics aside. i'm no hater, but are we really going to defend homosexuality? condone giving them group status, special rights and consideration because of their sexual orientation? support legislation of 'minority status' because they are gay? condone gay marriage?

hate is cleverly disguised in the legislation. just the act of singling them out into a group is discriminatory. they deserve no more, no less rights than anyone else. we are all human and deserve the same rights. legislating for race, religeon, sex or sexual preference is just plain wrong. there should be no mention of race, religion, sex or sexual preference in law, period. what makes one human being any more deserving than another?

let them do what they want to do, but don't give them benefits for being gay....or minority...or female...or anything else.

lighten up people


07-26-2007, 04:32 PM
i must be in the minority here, but i thought it was, at least, slightly funny. statistics aside. i'm no hater, but are we really going to defend homosexuality? condone giving them group status, special rights and consideration because of their sexual orientation? support legislation of 'minority status' because they are gay? condone gay marriage?

To be honest with you chaos, alot has crossed my mind in the past 24 hours since I'd written my reply. As I see it, it doesn't really matter what we think or feel about homosexuality. Like it or not, society has not yet accepted it anymore than they accept an African-American president of the United States. Gays will have to accept the same rights as you and I have and like it. If they want "special rights", then every other minority group, especially the one that I belong to, will want their own too.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I've learned to accept homosexuality after working closely with them and even living near them. But this morning, I was watching a "Judge Mathis" rerun where a guy, with his gay lover at his side, was suing a friend of theirs. The friend made an accusation that he was only brought to a televised court only to force him to "come out of the closet" and embarrass him by allowing his friends and family to see it on TV. And ironically, a good friend of mine told me last night that my ex-girlfriend and I will end up together again and have one or two kids together. So I realized that such an issue, though I accept it, have never been introduced to me as a personal family issue. What if we had a child and he/she told us that they were gay? What if one of my nieces or nephews admit to being gay. Would I accept them? Most likely, I will. Would I accept they lifestyle? Well, that I couldn't or maybe didn't want to think about. I don't condone same sex marriage because the church does not acknowledge it as a real matrimonial contract. So I guess that makes me semi-prejudice like most people are about race. I can live in the same building with them and work with them, I just don't want them in my family. But I'm not exactly proud of that so hopefully, I'll mature out of that attitude also.

One thing that I don't understand is the hypocrisies of most men. Think about it.....To visualize Rosie O'Donnell passionately kissing her girlfriend (a.k.a life partner) would probably turn our stomachs. Yet to see Madonna get on a nationally televised stage and kiss Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera made a shitload of teenage boys and horny ass men hoot and holler over it. When I used to listen to Howard Stern in the morning and he'd talk about two hot women kissing, I just never got the excitement over it. Sorry, but I'm not into gay porn.

But to contradict our unacceptance of homosexuality.....Who here DID NOT see "Philadelphia" and not cried at the end? :D

07-26-2007, 05:13 PM
Who are we to judge anyway...they are what they are, right? Damn...If I (were) gay or Bi, maybe I could handle this sex obsession of mine. My wife is telling me how sore she is and I have to cut it back from everyday!!! Shit...I beat off at least 2x a day!!! LMFAO!!!! If I were gay maybe some other dude would blow me 3 times a day! I know I would love to eat my wife's pussy all day everyday and would NEVER turn her down for a Blow job...

Relax now....I'm no where near being gay!! My problem is that Im too picky with the quality of woman I like too. I think I need to check into SAA or something cuz I sure love (heterosexual) sex!

07-26-2007, 05:29 PM
Who are we to judge anyway...they are what they are, right? Damn...If I (were) gay or Bi, maybe I could handle this sex obsession of mine. My wife is telling me how sore she is and I have to cut it back from everyday!!! Shit...I beat off at least 2x a day!!! LMFAO!!!! If I were gay maybe some other dude would blow me 3 times a day! I know I would love to eat my wife's pussy all day everyday and would NEVER turn her down for a Blow job...

Relax now....I'm no where near being gay!! My problem is that Im too picky with the quality of woman I like too. I think I need to check into SAA or something cuz I sure love (heterosexual) sex!


07-26-2007, 05:34 PM

07-27-2007, 11:41 AM
ROFL.. now thats funny...
the way I see it is GOD made adam and eve, not adam and steve. Society is what tells us its ok to be gay. Not only is it not biblical but nor is it natural. I know alot of people believe they grew up liking the opposite sex, that may be the case. But people are born with all kinds of mental and physical disabilities and diseases. Look at alcoholism. Just because your born with a trait that makes you addicted to that doesn't mean its ok for you to become one..I'm mean two guys cant make a baby.. neither can two women.. hell, look at lions and tigers and bears oh my... they cant either.. GOD gave us sex for two reasons. Pro creation and pleasure between a man and a woman. Again, i dont dislike homosexuals, I know a few and they are very good people. I just dont condone what they choose to do.

07-29-2007, 03:32 PM
I'm not a big fan of homosexuals. Am I homophobic? By definition I do not have a fear of queers, but if you are wondering if the thought of two men having sex makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit you are correct!

I am a Christian and I am happy to share that news with you. So, I can't support homos. As far as calling them "gay" I really think that is more of a made up word to use as propoganda. I mean, if we called them "guys who put their weiners in other guys butts" would they sound so warm and fuzzy?

07-30-2007, 07:47 AM
I have no issues with fags- in fact most of them seem to keep their homes in good shape, are not a threat to us and seem to stick to their own.. as long as they dont push it onto me- we are cool.

Now what I fucking hate is FAT PEOPLE!!!

Fattys are a huge drian to this country. In fact most fattys have or will have diabetes because of their condition. Fat people are useless, lazy and do nothing to fix their conditions. They collect Social Security early, most cannot work and therefore fall into welfare as a means to live. They cannot not serve this country in war, cannot help others, and cannot be beneficial employees. (most have health issues that follow them, which impact the employers insurance plans).

What makes me even more pissed is we support fattys. These electric carts in the front of stores are for them. Scew that- make them walk the store- thats why they are fat in the first place... we allow them to live in a country where they are free to feed their fat faces but cannot protect it if it came down down to that. They get the "get out of work card" because they cant get their sloppy fat asses up out of bed.

if i could say one thing to fatty's it would be from one of my favorite songs--

"die motherfucker, die motherfucker, die......"

07-30-2007, 02:00 PM
"guys who put their weiners in other guys butts" would they sound so warm and fuzzy?

hahaha thats hilarious bro.

Gatechplyr, i think i've seen you go off on fat people before... thats too funny bro...

07-30-2007, 02:33 PM
I"m not homo-phobe and do work around a bunch in the Healthcare field. TO each their own as long as they aren't puching their beliefs upon me where i feel a need to defend mine.

A quick story...one evening when I first started here at work we had the Gay Men's Chior come to town! Yes..they have a following!

They arrived and were laying all over each other out in public as hetero couples would do. At first it's pretty alarming but when you think about it hetero couple do the same thing. I'm not against it but at least keep it decent and in reason as you never know when kids will be watching.

ANyway...I drew the short straw that day..I had to be on the floor with this group of individuals operating the camera. I must say..for gay men they also had a following of some very lovely ladies! And yes..they wore some pretty teasing outfits (Damn..I hope they were women!)

As I was operating the camera trying to stay fixed on the soloist..the coworker upstairs was screamin in my headset...we know your gay but sit the F*ck still! As it was hard to follow his prancing most of the time. It was at that moment I felt something brush up against me! I know I was all over the place with the camera as I wasn't aware that anyone was that close to me! I look over and I see this guy..he was smiling..well dressed and asking.."Can I flash you?" I must of went dead white from shock! I replied.>"Excuse me?" He said it again.."Can I flash you?" PLaying dumb as h*ll I said.."I'm not sure what you mean?" HE than said.."Can I take your picture!" I told him I didn't mind knowing full well that I was going to be somebody's jack off material that night! (At least I do not know for sure which makes it better!) All the while this was taking place I could hear in my ear....as my co worked listened on...was..where the F*ck did you go...and a bunch of laughter that followed after hearing what the conversation was!

And a disclaimer..ANY1? Loves the ladies! Period (or off period as I am open minded when it comes to that stuff!)

07-30-2007, 03:49 PM
I"m not homo-phobe and do work around a bunch in the Healthcare field. TO each their own as long as they aren't puching their beliefs upon me where i feel a need to defend mine.

A quick story...one evening when I first started here at work we had the Gay Men's Chior come to town! Yes..they have a following!

They arrived and were laying all over each other out in public as hetero couples would do. At first it's pretty alarming but when you think about it hetero couple do the same thing. I'm not against it but at least keep it decent and in reason as you never know when kids will be watching.

ANyway...I drew the short straw that day..I had to be on the floor with this group of individuals operating the camera. I must say..for gay men they also had a following of some very lovely ladies! And yes..they wore some pretty teasing outfits (Damn..I hope they were women!)

As I was operating the camera trying to stay fixed on the soloist..the coworker upstairs was screamin in my headset...we know your gay but sit the F*ck still! As it was hard to follow his prancing most of the time. It was at that moment I felt something brush up against me! I know I was all over the place with the camera as I wasn't aware that anyone was that close to me! I look over and I see this guy..he was smiling..well dressed and asking.."Can I flash you?" I must of went dead white from shock! I replied.>"Excuse me?" He said it again.."Can I flash you?" PLaying dumb as h*ll I said.."I'm not sure what you mean?" HE than said.."Can I take your picture!" I told him I didn't mind knowing full well that I was going to be somebody's jack off material that night! (At least I do not know for sure which makes it better!) All the while this was taking place I could hear in my ear....as my co worked listened on...was..where the F*ck did you go...and a bunch of laughter that followed after hearing what the conversation was!

And a disclaimer..ANY1? Loves the ladies! Period (or off period as I am open minded when it comes to that stuff!)

I would have loved to have seen your face when he said that...lol :D

07-31-2007, 02:05 PM
I'm not a big fan of homosexuals. Am I homophobic? By definition I do not have a fear of queers, but if you are wondering if the thought of two men having sex makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit you are correct!

I am a Christian and I am happy to share that news with you. So, I can't support homos. As far as calling them "gay" I really think that is more of a made up word to use as propoganda. I mean, if we called them "guys who put their weiners in other guys butts" would they sound so warm and fuzzy?

Makes sense to me..........lol

07-31-2007, 03:01 PM
Anything that says "I'm not a homophobe" is already kinda saying you are.

08-09-2007, 06:54 PM
I agree with Miss Diesel , not prejudiced against any kind of people , but , leave me and my family alone , alittle on the Red side , thats how that subject rolls .

08-13-2007, 05:55 PM
I'm not prejudiced against any kind of people.

I do HATE Rosie O'Donnell though. Beoooooooooootch

08-15-2007, 10:38 AM
Oh..USA I think I had the dear in the headlights stare going! Now years later I still wonder what my pict was actually used for...than again...I'm not sure I want to know!!!!

08-16-2007, 01:23 PM
I like girl on girl action

08-16-2007, 07:37 PM
why would anyone want to be gay????? it's a pain in the ass....at least thats what Crom told me.

08-17-2007, 07:17 AM
My wife's softball team has a bunch of carpet munchers on it. I'm a biker and love to ride and currently she's 7 months pregnant so, needless to say, she's not on the back as my fender bunny. She tells me some of her friends want rides on the back and being they are lesbians, she tells me and them she has no problem with them on the back. I show up for rides and my buddies are "WTF" I'm showing up with a good looking babe and they KNOW I'm married and she's pregnant....but know nothing about our friends. Just to really get them thinking the women will be all over me, grabbing my arms or ass or whatever...I've shown up with 4 different wimmen so far.....:D

08-17-2007, 09:24 AM
I like to watch rug munchers!

What is pretty weird...watching two ladies go at it doesn't really bother me...unless one is butt ugly than it's like...WTF..what is wrong with this picture...at least she could choose a cute one!

But, when it comes to two guys doing this..it grosses my *ss out! Of course I know ladies who feel the same way about this. They do not mind two women but if two guys go at it then they quit watching...porn that is...Any1? has not sat in on orgy to watch two guys! (SHoot..I just felt my stomach roll!!!)

Anyway..just a weird point I thought I'd throw out there.

08-17-2007, 01:58 PM
yea I am not too big on homo's either but those stats are BS. Although go back in time and look at most of the serial killers and they had some sort of deviancy. Now I do hate EMO's, Women beaters, deadbeat parents just to name a few. I dont hang out with fags but have known a few that were cool until I found out they were gay lol.

08-21-2007, 04:02 AM
1. 50% of suicides can be attributed to fags

This is pure bullshit and what really scares me is anyone stupid enough to believe somthing like this that they read on the internet. People that stupid and gullible are the same types of people who believed the German gov`t when they said "Jews are responsible for 100% of your problems"

2. Please use any word but "Fag"

The English root to the word "faggot" is terrible. When we used to burn people at the stake for being gay or a witch the little pices of wood that we used to burn them were called "faggots". That is a horrible legacy of our US existance. Any word is better than that word. It`s about the equivallant of calling a black person a "noose".

3. I dig chicks.

I`m defending gay people here but let`s not get carried away, I love the ladies (espically Asians:D tan skin, black hair, tight bodies yummy!).

4. I like this board even more to see the memberships response to this guy.

Intelligent people tend to think the same on this and other issues. Sex, sexuall preference, Race, Religion, Political opinion. America is big enough and strong enough to be tolerant.

You want to be violent and break the law -we will put you down.

You want to do your own thing and be free in the persuit of liberty and happiness - have a nice day.

09-14-2007, 01:51 PM
Im on my computer,on a forum built for a minority of the general population,{steroid users}.all we want is the freedom to do what we want with our bodies.We can't understand why anyone would take time out of thier busy lifes to give a shit about what we do.So Whats up with this poor dude.Live and let live,lift some iron, drink a beer every once in a while,get laid, and get the fuck over it.