If you’re thinking of naming your baby Apple, Blanket, Pirate, or Blue Ivy, a new study says you may want to pick a more conventional name. Researchpublished in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that a badfirst name is likely to cause low self-esteem, loneliness and even lower intelligence.Just under 12,000 people were polled by European dating website eDarling, and themajority of participants indicated they would rather be singlethan date someone with an unattractive name.Further sub-experiments ledresearchers to the conclusion that people with goofy names are more likely to becomesmokers, be less educated and have lower confidence than those with normal names.It’s not overly surprising to see this type of evidence. Naming your kid BronxMowgli or Buddy Bear is going to lead to plenty of ridicule in elementary, and by the timethey hit junior high, their confidence will be so shot they won’t even bother makingthe moves on the opposite sex.Enter smoking as a coping mechanism, and it allgoes downhill from there.More on AskMen:TheIngenious Ways Hackers Exploit Us12Things Men Should Do But Don't Continue Reading

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