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People often misjudge whitewine by assuming its flavors are less complex than those of red wine. While white winecan be refreshing on a hot, sunny afternoon by the beach, these luscious blonds can alsobe the highlight of an evening by showing off their multiple personalities, tastes andstyles. From crisp to creamy, light to full, white wine is sexy and very food-friendly.Here are a few white options that will help spearhead your journey into the multifacetedland of bianco.So if the one thing you thought you knew about whitewine was that it was somehow less manly or complex than red, well, we're here to unburdenyou of that misconception.The reigning king of whites: Chardonnay
Chardonnay,one of the most popular white varieties, is an astonishing chameleon. The Chardonnay grapethrives in all climates, it can take oak barrel aging like no other, and it can proudlystand solo or lift a blend to help create the perfect balance of textures and aromas. Forexample, unbeknownst to many, Champagneis actually a bubbly marriage of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier grapes. Mosteveryone enjoys a good Chardonnay; its surprising diversity and versatility make it a goodoption for almost any meal and circumstance....Also known as Chablis
Chablis has become a standardized name to describe a dry, lean and mineral white winewith little to no oak influence. But this variety has its secrets as well. Manyaren’t aware that Chablis is, in fact, 100% Chardonnay grapes. Grown in the coolernorthern region of France, its high acidity will get your appetite roaring beforeyou’ve even ordered your meal. The popularity of this particular style, which hasnotes of green apple, lemon zest and wet stone, took off at a rapid pace, and Chablis hasnow become a household name even in households that know nothing at all about wine.On the other end of the spectrum, tropical fruit, buttered toast and creamyvanilla embody the definition of California Chardonnay. Contrary to its European brother,this flamboyant white alternative is an oaky mouthful. It flatters chicken, fatty fish andcream-based dishes in addition to complementing a variety of cheeses.California winemakers are slowly merging toward the practice of using less oak to createwine with more elegance, finesse and purity of terroir. It’s worth keeping an eyeout for these big full-bodied whites, even if they aren’t like the typical blondsyou dig.The emerging star: Riesling
Chardonnay is wonderfully popular, but it doesn’t have to hog the spotlight,especially when Riesling is an option. Light, un-oaked and seldom blended with other grapevarieties, Riesling comes in a full range of styles from dry to sweet. Known for its racyacidity, balance and dense structure, Riesling is among the most food-adaptable whitewines. Due to its complexity, Riesling isn’t just for white fish dishes. It canstand up to heavier meats and amicably join forces with spicy cuisines such as Thai andMexican. This is a challenge most whites would have a hard time accomplishing and is partof why Riesling is such a winner. Staple notes of stone fruits, honey and rosewater makethis wine unique and thoroughly enjoyable. Riesling is the kind of wine that can fit intoany dinner situation, much like your go-to gregarious socialite friends.The prom king: Sauvignon Blanc
You haven’t finished your whitewine adventure until you’ve experimented with Sauvignon Blanc. Originating inFrance and making an international statement out of New Zealand, Sauvignon Blanc is afavorite of many white wine lovers and is a classic day-by-the-pool white wine. Grippingnotes of pink grapefruit, melon, lime, herbs, and fresh grass help make you feel at easeunder the heat of the sun, especially when you’re cooling down with a crisp greensalad and some freshly caught fish.If you’re in the mood for something alittle more stylish and refined, then Sauvignon Blanc from Sancerre, France, may be thebetter option. Both delicate and mineral in nature, this style of white wine pairsbeautifully with oysters. A dash of lemon juice on your oyster, combined with the naturalcitrus notes of Sancerre, is an experience only Mother Nature can so elegantly craft.White wine isn't just for dieting women
Next time someone haughtily declares that white wine is an inferior and wateryalternative to red, remember the cast of characters you’ve just met. Althoughwe’ve only focused on some of the more reputable winemaking regions of the world,don’t disregard other regions that make Chardonnay, Riesling and Sauvignon Blanc.Australia, South America, Italy, and Canada are making world-class wines in an array ofstyles that easily challenge the best of the best, adding depth to the intricacies of theworld of white.A few other white wines, and their ideal pairings
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