Etiquette doesn't just mean RSVPs anddinner party manners, it's a reflection of your entire outlook on social interaction andpublic life. Not holding the door open for a little old lady says something about you toeveryone who sees it -- namely, that you can't spare five seconds to be a half-decentguy. In most situations, your image and appearance isn't just part of what definesyou; it's the only thing that defines you. People who don't know anything about you aregoing to fill in the blanks with the only information they have, which is how they see youbehave. Regardless of how you think of yourself, one awful social habit can easily become the thing that comes to identify you: Anyone whosees you chewing your food like a cow and acting belligerent toward your waitress is goingto remember that stuff far before your job title or sophisticated wit. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]