WOW! Thanks for all of your prayers I'm finally out of the hospital but certianly not out of the woods. I have already been back to the ER with cellulitis , folliculitis and my ankles are friggin kankles now LOL. I guess my Imune system started attacking me so here I am on a medicine that supresses my imune system which makes me defensless against infection. I never had such incredible pain in my life never mind all the internal bleeding. Im going to the doc's today to figure out the next move so I want to thank all of you for the support and prayers it means a lot. I am going to have my wife take some pictures for a before and after the sickness comeback. I figure it will help motivate me to work hard at just becoming healthy again cause its a chore to walk in the kitchen and pour a glass of water but I will be back. Tough Times Don't Last Tough People DO!

Thanks Rocco!