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Everyone has regrets, and usually they’re not even really worth mentioning. But a new study from Northwestern University has found that when we dohave the benefit of hindsight, our No. 1 regret is lost love.Researcherspolled 500 American adults on their biggest regrets in life and then cross-referenced theresults to find out what they had in common. Regrets relating to love and losses inpersonal relationships scored significantly higher than anything else. Fifty-six percentof people noted some kind of love regret, while just 20% listed work-related concerns. Allof the most intense regrets were related to personal relationships.Work andlove are two of our primary focuses, so it may be best to ease up on work and insteadspend that time finding love. Letting the perfect job get away hurts less than losing theperfect woman because employment is perceived to be more replaceable.We knowthat we’re far more forgiving of ourselves for work slip-ups than we are forneglecting relationships, so do yourself a huge favor and make love the priority. Continue Reading ]More...[/url]