With Kay Hymowitz's new book, Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men Into Boys (Basic Books), coming out on Tuesday, we thought it'd be a good time talk about why the demise of men in the workforce is a big crock of sh*t. Here is one response to the subject that was originally published on The Good Men Project. Click here to read an excerpt of Manning Up. It’s hard to imagine a more talked-about magazine article in recent years than Hanna Rosin’s 2010 essay in The Atlantic prophesying “The End of Men.” Guys, she argued, are just not cut out for the New Economy and are being surpassed by women. The proposition has inspired a lot of debate [AskMen responded with Why Men Are Still Dominant In The Workforce and The End Of Men? Not Quite], a forthcoming book by Rosin and even 20 pitches for sitcoms -- on CBS alone! (ABC must have received quite a few too). There’s just one problem. Until now, no one has bothered to look at the labor-market statistics that Rosin has used to make her case. I did -- and found many of her claims were misleading or even untrue. Women aren’t a majority of the workforce, nor are they most of the nation’s managers; 1 in 5 men are not out of work; and women don’t dominate 13 of the 15 job categories expected to grow the most in the next decade. These aren’t small errors -- taken together they form the crux of Rosin’s argument. Hannah Rosin and The Atlantic owe American men everywhere an apology. Woman managers

Ms. Rosin writes: “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women now hold 51.4 percent of managerial and professional jobs -- up from 26.1 percent in 1980.” In The Atlantic‘s summary of the article -- which, in fairness to Ms. Rosin, was probably not written by her -- the magazine was more succinct: “Most managers are now women too.”Not true! In 2009 women did indeed make up 51.4% of 52.2 million million people employed in “Management, professional, and related occupations.” In 2010 that figure was actually 51.5%. But as its name implies, “management, professional and related occupations” is a big catch-all mega-category. At that level of aggregation, all of America’s 139 million workers fit in one of these five mega-categories:You can break the “managers and professionals” category down into, well, managers and professionals:And once you’ve done so, more men are managers than women. Ladies made up just 38.2% of the 15 million people in management occupations in 2010 -- and just 25.5% of the 1.5 million chief executives.What else negates the decline of men in the workforce? That's next... Continue Reading

http://www.askmen.com/entertainment/austin_3800/3895_men-at-work.html ]More...[/url]