My approach to training changeddramatically throughout my experience as one of the trainers on The BiggestLoser. Getting to know each person was an important reminder that to get the bodyphysically fit, you must first get mentally and emotionally "fit." I don't consider myself a trainer anymore. I don't just help people train; I help them change their lives.The physical transformation people go through when they work with me can come and go, butthe mental and emotional transformation will last them a lifetime.My approach is simple now: Activate people emotionally sothey are 100% committed. Educate them so they understand what they are doing,why they are doing it and how they can continue to do it on their own.Inspire them by leading by example yourself. Inspire them to lead by exampleto others and pay it forward. I recently spent 16weeks working with Rocco Whalen, a celebrity chef in Cleveland, on changing everythingabout him -- how he trained, how he ate and how he felt. At his heaviest, he tipped thescale at almost 400 pounds. When I left Cleveland on New Year's, he weighed 255 pounds.Many of the "techniques" for getting Rocco his extreme results were not from a textbook, and as a pre-med student and graduate student, I read a lot of books.I drew on my life experiences as an adopted child, an overweight teenager, an athlete,and someone who would not give up on myself. My science background definitely helped inhis transformation, but the bond I created, the trust I built and the respect I earnedwith Rocco, are what inspired him to commit to the program and me. He transformed hisbody, he transformed his life and, ultimately, he saved his life.Activation

If you don't have an emotional connection to why you are trying to accomplish your goals, the odds are you won't reach them or will quit trying. I alwayssay, "Get emotionally connected and the rest will follow." Long-lasting results are notgiven; they are earned and they come with a price, like facing fears, physical discomfortand emotional transformation. At the surface, many people's goals are to lose weight, toneup, feel better, etc. But superficial goals get superficial results that usually fade.Dig a little deeper, and the "why" is usually unveiled: to be more confident, to bemore happy, to feel sexy again. The "why" is key because you can becomeemotionally connected to it, and once you "Activate," you won't turn back. I remember the moment when this happened for Rocco. We were outside his house during a very toughworkout, and he broke down emotionally about his late mother and his relationship withher and food. He finally came to terms with feelings and emotions he had been hiding foryears, which gave him a new sense of him and "why" he was on this journey.Education

Knowledge is power, but "applied knowledge" is super-power. Reading a textbook orknowing what's right and wrong is not enough. You need to put what you learn intopractice and do it over and over again until it’s a habit. I always say, "Seeing isnot believing. Doing is believing." There is a lot to learn about fitness, nutrition andemotions, but once you do, you can master them instead of them mastering you. Rocco's first major lesson was in nutrition -- he had no idea he was consuming over 7,000calories a day! He also did not understand the difference between different types oftraining and how it affected his body. Over the 16 weeks he learned many things: calories,portion size,meal timing, cravings, metabolism, corrective exercise, strength training, aerobic vs.anaerobic training, and most of all, himself. Inspiration

Motivation is good, but inspiration is better. You can be motivated by fear oranger, and it is usually a mental thing that can pass. Inspiration hits you right inyour heart and lasts a lifetime. When you walk your talk, you will inspire others;inspiring others will make you walk your talk. That's why I always say, "Inspire to beinspired." Go out and inspire someone, and I guarantee it will come back to you tenfold.For Rocco, inspiring his friends, family, coworkers and paying it forward to hiscommunity has absolutely kept him on his path and kept him losing weight. He is a true role model now. He paid his dues through blood, sweat and tears, and is now paying itforward by changing his menu with healthier options, doing community workouts and sharinghis story to help inspire others.Check out Brett's recipes for optimalresults, next... Continue Reading ]More...[/url]