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    Thread: Fun Facts About Leap Year

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      Default Fun Facts About Leap Year

      2012 is a leap year, with 366 days instead of the usual 365 days.


      It was the ancient Egyptians who first figured out that the solar year and the man-made calendar year didn't always match up.

      That's because it actually takes the Earth a little longer than a year to travel around the Sun — 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds, to be exact.

      Therefore, as the hours accumulated over the centures, an extra day was occasionally added to the calendar, and over time the practice became more or less official.

      The Romans first designated February 29 as leap day, but a more precise formula (still in use today) was adopted in the 16th century when the Gregorian calendar fine-tuned the calculations to include a leap day in years only divisible by four - 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, etc.

      Another stipulation ruled that no year divisible by 100 would have a leap year, except if it was divisible by 400. Thus, 1900 was not a leap year ... but 2000 was! Go figure.

      Thankfully, all this intricate plotting will continue to keep us in tune with the seasons over the next several thousand years.

      Born on a leap day?

      Leap Day babies: Antonio
      Sabato Jr. and rapper Ja Rule.

      According to astrologers, those born under the sign of Pisces on February 29 have unusual talents and personalities reflecting their special status.

      Most have to wait every four years to "officially" observe their birthdays, but leap year babies typically choose either February 28 or March 1 to celebrate in years that aren't leap years.

      Some famous people born on February 29

      Born 1976 - Ja Rule, rapper
      Born 1972 - Anthonio Sabato Jr., model & actor
      Born 1916 - Dinah Shore, singer
      Born 1904 - Jimmy Dorsey, bandleader.
      Born 1792 - Gioacchino Rossini, Italian opera composer

      February 29, 2012 event calendar

      On the international scene, 56 countries will observe Rare Disease Day on February 29, 2012 calling for more research into ailments that have no known cure

      On a lighter note, international women's football meets to compete on February 29, 2012 in the annual kick-off to the Algarve Cup in southern Portugal.

      Leap Day traditions - no man is safe!

      How to propose to a guy

      While leap day helped official timekeepers, it also resulted in social customs turned upside down when February 29 became a "no man's land" without legal jurisdiction.

      As the story goes, the tradition of women romantically pursuing men in leap years began in 5th century Ireland, when St. Bridget complained to St. Patrick about the fair sex having to wait for men to propose. Patrick finally relented and set February 29 aside as the day set aside allowing women the right to ask for a man's hand in marriage.

      The tradition continued in Scotland, when Queen Margaret declared in 1288 that on February 29 a woman had the right to pop the question to any man she fancied. Menfolk who refused were faced with a fine in the form of a kiss, a silk dress, or a pair of gloves given to the rejected lady fair.

      A similar modern American tradition, Sadie Hawkins Day, honors "the homeliest gal in the hills" created by Al Capp in the cartoon strip Li'l Abner. In the famous story line, Sadie and every other woman in town were allowed on that day to pursue and catch the most eligible bachelors in Dogpatch. Although the comic strip placed Sadie Hawkins Day in November, today it has become almost synonymous with February 29.

      Leap Year trivia tidbits
      •The town of Anthony, Texas, organizes a leap year festival. It proudly calls itself the leap year capital of the world and leap year “babies”, or leaplings, around the world come to its parade.
      •Nothing really significant in history has happened on Feb 29, although the people of Haiti might see it differently. It was eight years ago to the day that power-hungry President Jean-Bertrand Aristide resigned.
      •In Greece, people believe it is bad luck to get married in a leap year. On the other hand, in Ireland, women can propose to a man.
      •According to a tale dating back to fifth century Ireland, St Brigid complained to St Patrick that women had to wait too long for men to propose marriage, and so he decided that in a leap year, women could take the initiative. However, if some sources are to be believed, Brigid was still a girl when Patrick died, which would make her a very precocious child!
      •A Scottish law enacted in 1288 – although unsubstantiated – by the unmarried and supposedly five-year-old Queen Margaret that allowed women the right to corner a man with a proposal. Men who refused would have to pay a fine in the form of a kiss, a silk dress or a pair of gloves. Which would you have preferred?
      •There’s a similar custom in the United States that was born from the famous comic strip L’il Abner by American cartoonist Al Capp. In his fictional town of Dogpatch, there was a character called Sadie Hawkins, who couldn’t attract a husband because she was ugly. Her father then set up a day each year when women could literally chase after the bachelors in town in a race. The unlucky sod who is caught would have to marry the women who nabs him. While the event was held in November in the comic strip, it now seems to be associated with Feb 29.
      •Superstitious Chinese believe that more accidents and mishaps occur during the leap month in the lunar calendar. They also think that children born in that month are harder to bring up. Nor are they keen to start a business or get married then.
      •US Presidential elections and Summer Olympic Games are both held every four years and occur in the Leap Year.

      Leap year on stage & screen

      The day also plays a pivotal role in the fictional The Pirates of Penzance, the most famous Gilbert & Sullivan comic opera that was translated to Broadway and the silver screen.

      In the story, the hero Frederic realizes his apprenticeship binds him until his 21st birthday, but since his birthday falls on February 29, it means that technically he is only a young lad - and won't reach his 21st birthday until he is in his eighties!

      A leap year poem to remember it by

      Thirty days hath September,
      April, June and November;
      All the rest have thirty-one
      Save February, she alone
      Hath eight days and a score
      Til leap year gives her one day more.

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      Default Re: Fun Facts About Leap Year

      haha, didnt know that. that is pretty cool

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