Standing along the Pacific shore in Costa Rica, Ralph Maxwell assumes a position imitating that of the famous fifth century BC Greek sculpture, the Discobolus (“discus thrower”). He holds the discus in his hand and draws it back, leaning forward in perfect posture, posing for a photograph. However, “there is an obvious variance,” says Maxwell. “Modesty required me to wear more clothes than the original model wore.”

Maxwell is a track and field athlete, and in the 18 years that he’s been competing in the sport he’s collected several hundred medals (mostly gold), holds six age-group world records—including the decathlon, generally considered the premier event in track and field—and 11 American age-group records.

Last year, he was named “USA Track and Field Male Athlete of the Year” and was inducted into the USA Track and Field Masters Hall of Fame.

Ralph Maxwell, 92-year-old world-record-holding decathlete. In other words: our hero

From Slob to Superfit

At the age of 74, Maxwell took a look at his body in shame and disgust, describing himself as a “flabby couch potato slob.” Never an athlete, Maxwell knew it was time to change.

“It’s terribly wrong to stuff that sacred citadel with junk you know darn well is bad for you,” says Maxwell. “I came to realize I was barreling pell-mell down the road leading to disease, disability and premature destruction of the most precious thing I could ever be given—my own life.”

He now eats “Maxwell Mush” oatmeal for breakfast an original concoction of oatmeal, All-Bran, raisins, bananas, cinnamon and chia seeds that he whips up to endure his intense track and field training—a strenuous 3-hour workout every third day. A workout he says is so rigorous that it takes two days of recovery and restoration to fully rebound.

“I start the session at home by jigging,” says Maxwell. “Now don’t laugh, I’m not making this up. I love to jig, and it’s a great warm-up exercise. Then I do 20 to 25 minutes of stretching and light calisthenics before heading outdoors to run, jump, and throw. I do several reps of each of the events I’ll be doing at my next competition, starting each sport slow and easy. Every other practice session I conclude with a mile run.” (You can burn fat with simple runs, too. Try these treadmill workouts.)

But the man is still 92 years old. When he’s not training he’s reading, doing daily crossword puzzles, singing old-time tunes while strumming his ukulele, working on household chores, and keeping up-to-date on politics. “I’ve been married to the loving diamond of my life, Liz, for 64 years, so far,” says Maxwell. “We have six kids. So far.”

Harness the Power of Competition

“A prudent diet and moderate exercise is good,” says Maxwell. “It’s what I would recommend for most folks who want to live a healthy, long life—but that’s not good enough for me. I have found that preparing for an upcoming track meet and the exhilarating thrill of competition are powerful motivators to stay in shape.”

So what’s next for Maxwell? He’s now training for the National Masters Indoor Championships next month in Bloomington, Indiana. He’ll compete in his age group (90 to 94) in several events: 60-meter sprint, 60-meter hurdles, 1000-meter run, long jump, high jump, triple jump, shot put, pentathlon, and perhaps a couple of relays, he says.

And as far as nerves, health concerns, or any worries before the events? Maxwell says he has none. “I’m too busy loving every moment of it,” he says.