sorry for the delay in posting guys.just have so much on my plate like a fat man at a girl and i are going thru some extreme financial problems and we're forced to make the decision to go our own way for now.she back to her parents and i'm desperately trying to look fo a place i can afford which ain't much on what i make.every lead that looks good comes with a curveball.exhausted my savings today to put a security down and now get told he has to add an additional $130 on top of the rent.seems like i'm screwed everywhere i solid lead left but only as a last course of action.

plus to top it all off i've been sick since our last little snowstorm here,almost 6-7wks ago.found out i had walking pnuemonia but waited too long for it to be treated,not that i could afford the meds anyway.was told to stay out of the gym the last 3.5wks.just feeling better to the point i have some strength back.lost a few pounds i guess from stress and being sick at the same time.i just hold onto my faith and pray all works out in the end.might have to go offline for a week or so till i get situated and maybe wireless net if they don't include it in the rent.we'll see.

just don't want anyone to think i've completely disappeared or relapsed or something harsh like that.just been a pretty hellacious last 7wks.everything hits the fan all at once it seems. but troopers fight on and fight on i must.i will get thru this,i will get back to the gym and i will overcome any and all obstacles.

also thank you guys for your prayers for Niko.he's doing alot better.have to call him tonight or tomorrow to check on him.things like that mean alot to me.shows me we can stick together as a unit or a family.a community where we're the outcasts from "normal society".thnx again family.roc...