While Richard Branson’sspace program is merely offering people the chance to experience weightlessness atthe upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere, the CEO of a rival space tourism companyis hoping to go one better. Elon Musk, head ofSpaceX, the company that has been working with NASA to develop a reusable rocket andcapsule to deliver goods to the existing Space Station, believes he’ll be able tostart sending people on round trips to Mars within the next 20 years.While the initial deadline will be focused on scientific missions, andthe potential establishment of refueling depots on the red planet itself, Musk believeshe’ll be able to begin selling tickets for $500,000 when the system has maturedenough. So, how long will that take? Elon has saidcommercial launches should begin by the year 2040. So we have plenty of time to startsaving and rehearsing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s immortal line from TotalRecall, “Get your ass to Mars.”In the photo: What the Mars lander will look like, whichis already similar to SpaceX’s Dragon module. Continue Reading

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