While the first series of HBO's Game of Thrones and AMC's The Killingboth premiered to high ratings last year, the latter quickly went downhill. Frankly, theshow is boring, with very few likable characters. However, AMC believes its flawedKilling can compete with Thrones on Sunday nights this spring. That'sballsy. Stupid, but ballsy. Instead of trying to compete with Game ofThrones, The Killing's producers should steal from it. They've alreadydeviated from the original Danish version of the show, so why not go all the way and throwin whatever gimmicks might make the show successful? Games of Thrones has plentyof great thematic elements they could appropriate. Since we'd like to keep watching untilwe learn of Rosie's killer, we've collected a list of items that The Killingneeds to incorporate as soon as possible.An Intelligent but Drunken, Whore-loving Little Person

Games of Thrones features the best character currently on television, TyrionLannister. Why is he the best? Because he's an intelligent but drunken and whore-lovinglittle person played by the great PeterDinklage. Listen, The Killing already has whores in it. Why can't their pimpbe a little person? Despite being a great actor, Dinklage toiled away in obscurity, knownonly as the angry elf who attacks WillFerrell in Elf, until this role came along. Now he's a household name with anEmmy and Golden Globe on his shelf. C'mon, AMC, give another little person a chance toshine!Boobs and Graphic Sex

OK, we know AMC doesn't show nudity like HBO because it's not a premium cable station orwhatever. However, nobody does things until someone finally does, and then it becomessomething people do. AMC could make waves by including boobs and graphic sex in TheKilling. It fits with the storyline. The FCC fines would be worth it for all thepublicity and added male viewers.Trained wolves as police dogs

If we learned anything from Turner and Hooch, it's that police dogs are awesome.You can bet that if AskMen were producing The Killing, we'd have incorporatedmultiple scenes of police dogs chasing down suspected killers from the beginning. Now thatwe're looking at it with Thrones glasses on, we realize cops should be usingtrained police wolves. The Starks' domesticated direwolves are constantly saving the dayand attacking enemies. The Seattle PD obviously needs that kind of help. They can't evenfind one killer over 13 episodes.Violently murder the main character

Nothing against actress Veena Sud or her character Mireille Enos, but maybe it’stime for that character to die. When Thrones beheaded Lord Eddard Stark inEpisode 9, it set the precedent that anyone can die in this series, even the dude on allof the marketing posters. That gives the show a dramatic tension that The Killingreally needs, because despite its name, it's really not a scary show.Dragons

Hold on there, you're saying, The Killing doesn't exist in a fantasy world wherewriters can just throw mythical creatures in at will. That's true. But they could includea tribe of fictional Native Americans who believe that they descended from dragons likethe Targaryens do. That would be a great wrinkle. And then if you still need to boostratings, have them turn into dragons to battle sexy vampires. Just like that, you’dhave roped in the Twilight types.White Walkers Killed Rosie

The most frustrating thing about season one of Game Of Thrones is that we sawthe undead wildings north of the wall in the first episode and then never again. Where didthey go? How about they headed to Seattle and killed Rosie? It seems as probable as theother implausible red herrings The Killing used to drive the tired storylinethrough 13 episodes. Continue Reading

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