Quote Originally Posted by EASTBAY View Post
The only way you could understand how one would feel is to travel to an area where your the minority and your race is looked at negatively to some degree.
And immerse yourself in it....


You make a good point, my view is that when an individual does something wrong they need to step up and take responsibility.

I grew up in the projects and my little sister and I were the only two white kids on the school bus. Guess what?? I got in fights on a weekly basis..WHY?

Because I was the HONKY. I am now educated, have my own place and my own vehicle. I don't steal, rape, or murder anyone. So when I hear on a regular basis Sharpton, Jackson among others blaming the WHITE man because of a crime that a BLACK man committed. I get a little disturbed by that.

I'm not in any way flaming or disrespecting you, I just cannot understand why so many people do this over and over. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care if someone's black, brown or blue, I hate everyone equally.