We've all been in a situation we can't wait to escape, and it's usually not about the foodor the scenery or the really, really bad movie. It's usually about the company. Andthey're mean, they're unpleasant, and you're wondering how unhappy they must be as people-- and how they got that way.Well, a newstudy in the journal Psychological Science suggests that if people havecertain gene variants, they’re more likely to be nice. Yes, those awful people mayhave their meanness coded in their DNA. Researchers offered an onlinesurvey to participants asking questions like: Do people have a duty to pay taxes? Arepeople basically good or bad? Do you engage in charitable activities? Then someparticipants sent in samples of their saliva so researchers could check out their DNA.“We’ve found that these genes also predict people’s willingnessto be nice on behalf of other people or aggressive on behalf of other people,” saidMichael Poulin, assistant professor of psychology at the University at Buffalo and studyco-author.Keep in mind, though, that the study only shows associations betweengenes, hormones and behavior, and doesn’t prove direct causal links.It’s not a “blame your DNA” situation, Poulin said.Thatmay be the case, but it certainly does make explaining why people can be such assholeseasier. Continue Reading

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