OK, raise your hands: Who here is on the Paleo diet? Ora low-carb diet? Ora vegetarian diet? Or some diet whereyou’re concerned with how many grams of protein you put into your body?What I’m really asking is, how many of you invest way too much time and energyinto what you eat?The Problem With Paleo

I don’t need to take a formal poll to know the answer -- far too many of you. Forall of the attention pointed toward women and their eating habits, the equally ridiculousdietary practices of men go overlooked. So many guys I know eat either way too much meat(or something else) or none at all, all for equally stupid reasons. This is baffling tome, because for every expert who proclaims the human body to be a wonderfully complicatedmachine, there’s another who’s decided that we’re simple, Paleolithicbeings who haven’t evolved in the last 20,000 years.My issue with thePaleo dieters is two-fold: One, no one seems to have a clear definition of what it meansto eat “Paleo.” Some people advocate what sounds like a perfectly sensible,balanced diet. Others go so far as to advocate eating sh*t-tons of meat some days andnothing on others, thereby claiming to mimic the diets of our ancestors, who as we allknow were completely free of disease and sickness and lived well into their nineties. Noone I’m aware of seems to be totally clear on what exactly our ancestors ate, andregardless of how slowly our bodies may have evolved, basing your diet on an era in whichbuilding fires was our greatest achievement seems pretty f*cking stupid.Justas bad are the vegetarians who claim that we shouldn’t eat meat because “ourbodies weren’t made to eat it.” Now, I don’t deride vegetarians whochoose to eat that way for personal reasons, if for no other reason than whatever mypersonal beliefs may be, somewhere someone is annoyed by them. But saying we weren’tmeant to eat animal flesh is almost as stupid as the Paleo people claiming that it’sthe only [vital] thing we were meant to eat. If that’s the case, then explain to mehow exactly we survived as a species before the advent of agriculture. Twigs and berries?Not on your life. Humans are omnivores. Have our bodies evolved to handle processed,synthetic food? No, but other than that there’s not a lot we can’t stuff inour mouths and more or less get away with. Continue Reading

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