This article originally appeared on HarvardBusiness Review. The author of this article, RonAshkenas is a managing partner of Schaffer Consulting and a co-author of The GE Work-Out and The Boundaryless Organization. His latest book is Simply Effective.Here in the U.S., the SuperBowl showed us the power of 30-second advertisements, and how influential they can bein promoting a company's awareness. But how often do we craft our own 30-second spots withaudiences that we want to influence?Most of us are not in the business ofmaking TV commercials, but in conversations there is almost always a 30-second moment thatcan make the meeting memorable.Malcolm Gladwell touches on this phenomenon inhis book, Blink. He talks about "thin-slicing," or "the ability of ourunconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices ofexperience." He explains how too muchinformation can cloud an individual's ability to accurately analyze a situation, andhow "in good decision making, frugality matters." In other words, mini-impressions docount. And although you never get a second chance to make a first impression, you do getmany chances to make the next impression.So how do you turn your moment intoan award-winning spot? Let's look to advertisers for guidance:Captureyour audience's attention. Think about one of your favorite commercials (or youcan pick one from the game). Which part of that commercial stays with you? What techniquedid the advertiser use to draw you in -- humor, aesthetics, emotions, surprise, orsomething else? Think about how you could incorporate that technique into your next importantconversation.Convey a clear message. Consider the keymessage for the target audience. What did the company try to convey, and how did theadvertiser use that to connect with viewers? How did they frame the message to make thispoint? Now, think about your own messaging -- what is the most critical takeaway you wouldlike your viewers to receive? How might you deliver your message to ensure your audiencewalks away with this understanding?Focus on differentiation.Think about what distinguishes your advertiser from the rest. How did the company use thecommercial to portray its unique brand? Think about the same for yourself: What sets youapart from others? How can you highlight your distinctive qualities?When youcombine these three elements, you've got the potential for an influential "spot." The keyis having these components ready so that you can recall them when needed. For example, thebest salespeople are always prepared to connect with potential customers who say that theydon't have time to talk. Similarly, the bestleaders often are not those who speak the longest or the loudest, but those who conveytheir ideas in a memorable way, and can do it over and over again.Our world isfilled with noise, information, and distractions; so having someone's undivided attention-- even for 30 seconds -- is an opportunity that shouldn't be wasted. If you can use those30 seconds to capture their attention, deliver your message, and distinguish yourself fromothers, you're likely to be heard, understood, and remembered. What sponsor wouldn't wantthat? Continue Reading ]More...[/url]